Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"I did this spell on Mir's family to erase their Witch bloodline and I can't undo it and now her baby is going to be solely a Lycan and she thinks it's going to be a Hybrid," I couldn't control my words. They just kept coming. Then, after I said all of that I bent over and threw up on their shoes. I hadn't meant to -- obviously, but I couldn't hold back the words or vomit any longer. 

I couldn't face them. I was bent over, trying to spit out the last bit of vomit in my mouth. My stomach churned as I dry heaved. The contents of my stomach on Erik's Combat boots and Ivelyn's high heels. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve, making a note to myself to wash it immediately. My breathing came out in shallow waves as I waited for someone to say something. Erik was in disbelief. Ivelyn was staring at me without moving. 

"Pssh, yeah right Moreau, like you could do something like that," Ivelyn laughed me off. She opened her passenger door, grabbing a couple of wet wipes. She cleaned her shoes, then handed me and Erik both clean wipes. I took it and stared at her.

"Good one, C, sounds like you really need some ice cream now," Erik didn't believe me either. The very idea that I had done this made them laugh. 

"I'm not kidding--

"Sure you are," Ivelyn wouldn't hear the truth. I think it was too much for them. If they truly believed I had done what I said I had done, then we would have another problem to solve and we were all overflowing with problems. We hadn't even begun to deal with Kate's problem. Maybe they were right, maybe we should just go get ice cream.

"Yeah, I guess I do need some ice cream," I found myself saying. We dispersed to get in our own cars, then I followed Ivelyn to the ice cream shop. It was just the three of us. Everyone else was smart not to get ice cream on a storming cold day. Still, we enjoyed ourselves. It was nice to do something as mundane as eating ice cream.

I still felt bad about Mir. I needed to figure out a way to undo the spell I had. The major problem was that both Gran and Dolls were dead. Gran had written the spell and Dolls had helped me preform it against Mir. I couldn't ask either of them for help. Normally, I would have asked Kate to help me with the spell, but she was otherwise occupied. Plus, she wasn't even talking to me right now. As I ate my Butter Pecan ice cream, I thought of a plan. Next to me, Ivelyn and Erik thought I was joking, but they would know the truth soon enough. 

That was last week and they still thought I had been joking. We didn't talk about it and I didn't try to tell them again. The only person that needed to know was Mir. I needed to tell her, especially as she was only going to get more pregnant. She was excited about almost being sixteen weeks pregnant, which meant her baby was about the size of an avocado. Of course, she couldn't stop telling people that, which had gotten her some odd looks at school. It was sweet how excited she was about her baby.

Ivelyn was still dating Tony Max. I guess Kate had met him yesterday, but when I asked her about it she just shrugged. She said he was like all the other guys Ivelyn had dated. This meant, he was beautiful and powerful and it would fizzy out in a couple of weeks. This made me roll my eyes, but whatever. That was Ivelyn -- completely and utterly boy crazed. It did make me nervous, her dating a Witch. What if she told Tony about our plan? I didn't know him and I sure didn't trust him. 

My mom was still dating Zack, which was such a blessing. It meant my mom wasn't watching my every move. You could feel the difference around the house. My mom wasn't texting or calling me nonstop, asking me where I was and when I would be home. We went back to getting take out more and my mom leaving us notes that she was with Zack. I wasn't the only one appreciative of the two of them dating again, even Dara told me she was relived.

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