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Enid's POV


Everything is back to normal, except for the fact that everyone has been pushy and keep on asking me if I'm okay. As if they actually care.

Its been a year since that.. Night..
The night where i wolfed out. The night I saved Wednesday.. Wednesday...

Ever since that night, the hug Wednesday and I had.. I never felt like that before, even with ajax, or anyone I've hugged EVER.. The feeling of safety, the feeling of comfort, and the feeling of.. Being at home..

It felt so.. Nice.. I wanted to feel it again, though I know wednesday wouldn't want that, she does hate the thought of physical touch.. Yet, she pulled back then hugged me again.

Even if I do want to hug her again, not hugging is kind of our thing..
She probably only did that since we almost died..

Wednesday's POV


I can not stop thinking about that.. Stupid wolf.. Her and her warm hug.. UGH what am I saying- am I sick.. NO I can't be, I don't get sick.. Maybe.. Maybe she did something to me, she is a werewolf after all.. Maybe she has some kind of power that I do not know of.. A power where it makes you sweat, your heart race, your mouth dry, and.. Feel the longing for warmth and physical to-- NO. NO NO NO NO. That is the most revolting thing, even for me..

I'd have to look it up when I can. Hopefully the Nightshades have something about it, or should I just approach the said wolf and ask her.. I feel like confronting her about it would just make her lie about it so.. I will check the books first.

Hopefully I find something.

<At the Nightshades Library>

For a pretty decent sized library, they do not have enough books on werewolves.
Because I can not find anything about making someone feel so.. Weird.

As much as I would like to find this out myself without asking sinclair, I'd have to ask her If I can't find anything here..

Then suddenly I hear the statue grinding.. Meaning someone is coming down. I quickly ran to hide.

Enid's POV


I'm currently going down to the Nightshades library to check out some books on.. Stuff.
I'm currently confused about somethings, and usually being clueless doesn't phase me, and usually I would turn to the internet, which I've already done, wasnt much help to be honest. Plus I know not to believe everything thats on the internet.

Now I'm looking at the bookshelves.
Something I thought I wouldn't do, unless its for wednesday when she needs a book.. OH EM GOSH why do I keep thinking of her!! Has she put a spell on me or something.. Ugh.

To be honest I don't even know what I'm looking for- a book on what? THE ADDAMS? Ugh what was i thinking..

Then I saw it.. A book on the floor, must've fallen and no one desided to pick it up.. Then I look at the title.. "Seers and Werewolves"? Huh- okay then.. I guess I did find something..

Wednesday's POV


As I peek out from one of the tall bookshelves I see.. Enid.
What is she doing here.. Pretty suspicious because she wouldn't be down here to look for books.. Nor does she even like to read, as a matter of fact she even told me to just send her "voice mails" if I wanted to "chat" with her. Funny how she even thinks I want to use that brain sucking thing you call a "Phone".

It just brainwashes you and make you lose your braincells.

I see her picking up a book thing was reading from the ground, damn that hand..

As she was looking up I go back to hiding. Then I hear footsteps fading away and the statue grinding again.

Since I wasn't finished with that book, I'll just read it when I'm at the dorm.
She would probably just leave it by her bed somewhere when she goes out with yoko to hangout or have a "girls night".

As I get out from behind the bookshelf I see thing crawling out. I pick him up and put him in my satchel.

I start walking up the stairs to go back to me and Sinclair's dorm. But something caught my eye.. A pendant? Where could have this come fr--..

before I could finish my thought my head flew back my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

A vision.. I haven't gotten one since the night of crackstone..

In the vision:

I was running in a meadow full of Black dahlias mixed with Zantedeschia Odessa also known as Calla Lilies.

Though.. Why was I running in a meadow, I start to look around still running until I look behind me.. Sinclair..


As I began to wake up thing slightly tapping my arm..
I couldn't stop thinking about the vision.. Why was Sinclair running after me.. I didn't quite think about her expression.. As a matter of fact, I couldn't tell nor did I see her expression.

As I stand brushing myself off and putting thing back in my satchel.
We make our way back to the shared dorm.. Looking down at the pendant in my hand, I slipped it into my pocket.


879 words.

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