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Shivering, teeth chattering loudly Persephone burst into her Alaskan home arms weighed down with excess of her monthly grocery haul. Unused to the deathly cold that seemed ever present outside the quant rented cabin, Persephone groused softly to herself, cursing every so often. Her father's family being Celtic, did her the good of being able to acclimate to the cold and dreary weather of the Alaska, but her mother's French heritage did her no good with the frailty that was passed through the lineage. According to Daisi, Persephone comes from a long line of French Royalty, the lineage of queen flows through her blood strong and proud; the day Corann and Daisi conceived Persephone all claim to the throne was lost to Merovingian line. Daisi claimed that her father, Corann, was a Celtic prince whose line was stronger than that of her own. Even though it was told that he was cast out the same as her mother for the offense of siring a child with a Frenchwoman.

It was only last year that she lost both of her parents in an accident, the details of which she has yet to fully receive. Being flown between Ireland and France in the same week to bury both of her parent in the residence they desired, it was a long standing belief to both of them that they needed to be reunited with their respective homelands. Her brief stint in Ireland she was greeted by one family member, an obscure relative by the name of Julius O'Conner, a small man with seemingly too much energy and shifty eyes. He did not possess the black locks shining with vitality like that of her father, or herself, instead he possessed a shock of dirt brown hair matching the bark color of his eyes with stunning accuracy. The whole time she was chaperoned by the distant cousin he spoke of nothing but fairies, the high court's of the Unselie and the selie, how if Persephone wanted answers that she could contact the newest prince of the dark fae.

At first she assumed that he was a nutter but as time had passed she began to believe him more and more. As time went by the need to find more out about her parent's death, why the police haven't answered any of the questions she so desperately wanted answered. This now brings her to trying to summon the dark fae prince, with the meager supplies that were offered at the general store. She was told by the shifty eyed cousin that Alaska would be the best place to find a Dark fairy. In her mind she had a picture of a small sprite with pointed ears and dark skin, with wings of crimson. This is the image planted in her mind from multiple word of mouth stories from the Celts and even from a few old world Americans. What could it hurt if fairies weren't real, there was no one here to laugh at her for her misguided attempts at summoning a creature from lore.

"An open window, some sugar, a dish of milk and honey? That simple?" her voice coming out in a growl of disbelief. Running her fingers through her ebony locks, she smiled at her own idiocy. Going through the task of inviting a mythical creature into her home, Persephone knew that it was a fool's errand to even attempt this quest of knowledge. Pushing open the thick, paned window in the small kitchen of her temporary home she grimaced as the frigid air hit the sensitive skin of her face. Now all there was to do is wait she thought wearily taking the short trek to her absolutely cramped bedroom.

In the haze of a deep sleep a earth shaking growl thundered through the humble abode forcing her from the delicate peace that was ever so hard to obtain in this winter land. Tumbling for the rough hewn bed Persephone rushed into the humble kitchen only to find a large broad back naked in all its splendor muscles rippling with tension. Dark logs of ebony silk tumbling to the taunt bareness of the caramel toned skin, there was a man, a hot man mind you, in her kitchen.....counting the salt meant, to trap the fair, big bear paws of hands delicately grasping at each grain counting with precision and urgency.

"Sir?" her voice rang clearly through the sound of harsh breaths ringing in the air. The beast of a man turned swiftly meeting the soft gold eyes of his captor only to scatter the already counted grains across the dark cherry wood floor. Orbs of the lightest blue, raging with something akin with disgust, met her own stealing her already faint breath. A truly regal face stared back at her one of snarling hatred, but regal none the less. Delicate fangs caressing the strawberry toned lips tilted down at the ends showing the utter distaste for her, square jaw tensed, skin drawn taunt over high cheekbones. There was no doubt that this man was other worldly, the finely pointed ears poking through the thick mane of black locks.

"You invited me to trap me, Halfling?!" a gurtled voice rung through the air sounding more like a wild animal growling than a human, or even what she expected a fairy to sound like. Hell, he doesn't even look like a fairy, she thought doing another quick once over of the foreign creature that in all honesty was sadly the most attractive thing she had saw in months due to her fairy tracking expo. Laughing softly nor believing it, someone had to be playing a joke on her that's for certain.

"Who are you and why are you in my home?" she sighed exasperated at the thought of such a lame joke being played on a grown woman such as herself. The look of pure confusion crossed the beast like man's face, and a slight haughty look that seemed all too sophisticated for him to express

"You invited me into your residence, half-breed. Do you even know what you have done, summoning me and thus trapping me here???" He growled loudly rising to full height, nearing seven foot at the very least. The sheer magnitude of his presence awed Persephone, causing her jaw to drop and her palms to sweat. What could she do this was not the type of fairy she was looking for, she thought seven INCHES tall not seven FOOT! Stealing herself for the attack she was sure was going to happen Persephone tensed as he lunged forward, closing her lids and waiting for the pain of being knocked onto the cold floor. This pain never came, only a howling yowl of a wild man stuck by a simple ring of salt.

"Who are you calling a Halfling, fairy-boy?" a sudden surge of new found courage claimed her, as the haughty words flew from her mouth. Dark brows furrowing in confusion a more humanistic look crossing his features, berry colored lips softening, bleeding lightly from the delicate looking pearl white fangs.

"Tis what you are, Half-Blood, if you know that I am a fae then how do you not know of your own lineage," he huffed at the ignorance of the small creature, who smelled of fresh snow, but also the smell of the first sunshine of a new day, the tell tell sign of a mixed creature often hunted by the respective high counsel of fae kind, " Though you must wish to deal with me, mutt, if you called me here to you this day in my place of power.

Taken aback by the sudden change in attitude Persephone lifted her chin calculating the likelihood of this being a simple charade.

"It is said that you makes deals for information.......That's exactly what I need," she, as formally as possible muttered to the fae that took up the majority of her kitchen floor with his hulking frame.

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