Chapter One: As long as I can remember

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Percy's POV

As long as I can remember I've had this ring on my finger. It looks like it is of Egyptian origin because from the looks of it the eye of Horus is on it. I guess I should tell Chiron that I'm going to go see a friend. As I'm walking to the Big House I bump into my wise guy.

"Where are you going Seaweed Brain?" Andrew asks me.

"Just going to tell Chiron that I'll be leaving to see an old friend of mine," I say hoping to go see Carter and Sadie quickly before nightfall.

"Okay but be safe," He says.

"I will stop mother henning me," I say.

I continue to walk to the Big House once I got there I told Chiron then I left to go see Carter.

Le Time skip to the Brooklyn House.

I knocked on the door. After a minute I get answered by someone.

"Hi my name is Alyssa and you are?" The girl who I now know her name is Alyssa.

"I am Percy Jackson. I'm a friend of Carter and Sadie and I need to talk to them," I tell her.

"Just give me one moment," she says then she turns around and yells, "SADIE! CARTER! YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT THE DOOR!"

It takes a few moments before I hear their footsteps coming down the stairs. 

"Alright who is at the do--" Carter stops midsentence when he sees me.

Sadie and Carter come running and give me a hug. I stumble back a few steps.

"I didn't come here to get crushed by a hug you two," I say will breaking the hug.

"Then why did you come?" Sadie asks

I show them the ring. They look at it for a few seconds.

"When and where did you get this Percy?" Carter asks me.

"As long as I can remember it has been on my hand. I just seem to grow as I grow," I tell them.

"Well, I have seen this ring before although I have no idea why you would have it, please come in," Carter says, "Alyssa you may go back to training. Now, Percy let's go to the library."

Carter then leads me inside as Sadie tags along. We pass more magicians as we make our way to the library, but as soon as we make it to the door I start to get dizzy. everything was spinning and then I collapsed.

Carter's POV

We're going back to before Percy got there.

I am sitting in my room when all of a sudden I hear Horus speak to me.

This is Horus. This is Carter

Carter one of the queens of Egypt will come across your path once again Carter.

What do you mean?

I mean you have met the reincarnation of the wife of the nameless Pharaoh.

You can't give me more of a hint.

Unfortunately no, ancient laws forbid me from talking about the Pharaoh and his wife except to give you hints.

Well, that's helpful.

I know that it isn't really, but when you find out who she is may I talk to the queen?



Well, that just happened. Now I am wondering who the nameless Pharaoh's wife is. Just as I started to relax and think about the queen I hear "SADIE! CARTER! YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT THE DOOR!" it was Alyssa. I am wondering who's at the door. I then run down the stairs and I see Percy. 

Now back to where Percy backed out

As soon as we get to the library I turn around and I see Percy about to collapse. 

"Percy!"I shout as she falls back. I run to catch her. She is just still, but there is still a heartbeat/pulse.  I am worried because her ring is starting to glow. I thought that looked like the missing Millenium item. From what I've read the only person who knew the location was..... The Nameless Queen of the Nameless Pharaoh. 

You figured it out

Horus what I thought Percy was greek?

Funny how reincarnation works huh.

Was that a hint of sarcasm I detected

Well, you did promise me when you met her I could say hello to my queen after all it has been 5,000 years.

Fine but only when she wakes up.

I can wait

Percy's vision/ dream

Next thing I knew I am in what looks like ancient Egypt, but how I was just in Brooklyn House. 

"My Queen," a person shows up next to me

"I don't know who you are and why are you calling me queen?" I say

"I am Shadi," Shadi says," You don't have your memories that's why you don't remember who you really are. This is a flashback from when you were the queen and wife of the nameless Pharaoh."

I look around and see a woman who looks exactly like me.

"Queen Persephone your husband the Pharaoh has been looking for you. It's a surprise he didn't look for you here first," an unknown person says.

"It's true my husband seems to forget where I usually am, but I don't blame him. He is a very busy man. I mean with Bakura out there he can't really focus on me. My Millenium has been revealing things that will happen much like Isis's necklace, but my item doesn't only do what hers does but it does so much more. My husband needs to be careful in the future," Queen Persephone says.

When I looked at her hand I see that she has my ring. 

"Even when I'm gone I shall be reborn into a new heroine. She will have my ring which is the key to stop history from repeating itself," The queen says.

Just then I feel a wave of energy course through me.

"I remember," I say as my memory of my past life returns.

"My queen your memories have returned and now you can help your husband once again and then and only then will you two be able to go to the afterlife. I have seen what you have been through and now the magicians of the house of life have a sworn duty to protect you and the pharaoh," Shadi says.

"Where is the Pharoah now?" I ask

"He is in Japan as we speak, but he and the solver of the Millenium puzzle are on their way to Egypt. The tomb keepers know that you are still around but the pharaoh doesn't know. You are the missing piece to him getting his memory back and stopping the great darkness. Will you travel and save him once again?" Shadi asks me.

"I need to help him," I respond.

I then start to wake up.

Yugi's POV

*The Puzzle glows*

 "Hey, Yami do you know why the puzzle glowed?" I asked.

"I think it has to do with something from my past," Yami replies. 

Well, I guess we will find out when we get to Egypt.

1133 words longest chapter I've written. I hope y'all enjoy this book. I shall be signing off until next weekend. I now have an updating schedule. Every Weekend two/three of my books will be updated. Thanks for reading my fandom army. The next chapter will be with Yugi and Yami.

-Captain Fandom

What Does the Past Have to Do With Now? Yugioh and PJO Crossover Fem Percy(✅)Where stories live. Discover now