*Chapter 13* Running Away

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The rest of the day in the hotel was spent doing nothing crazy, I had a nap after my episode and Michael joined me after a bit and we just cuddled, he said he liked calling me his 'little kitten' and I just shivered under his gaze as he rubbed comforting circles on my stomach. Ashton and Calum went out for a bit to get some things from downstairs and to sort out what we left in the tour bus, they told us they wouldn't be long so I wasn't too worried.
But right now I was alone in our bedroom, Michael was in the shower and Ash and Calum were still out.
I decided to go onto twitter for a bit on Michaels phone to see what was happening with everybody, I log on and the first thing i see is my dash exploding, a bit more so that usual, I try my best to read one of the stories and when I finally do, I wish I didn't.


I look at the comments and see lots of fans asking who the boys were and if Calum and Ashton were dating the boys.
The story goes on but I push it away, no no no they wouldn't do this! We haven't been dating long enough for them to do something like this! 
I start to hyperventilate at the thought of them coming back to the hotel and talking and seeing twitter and knowing I know.

This is your time Luke, take it.

They obviously never loved you! they just wanted to be nice! run now!

I jump off the bed before I can think about it more, i run over to the side of the room where my still unpacked bag rests and pick it up, i rush through the bedroom and over to the front door, on my way I pass the kitchen top and see a pad of paper and some pens, sighing i stop for a second and write a few words on the piece of paper before rushing out with the bag on my back.

I go down the elevator as there is no time to wait in case Ashton and Calum come back and catch me. I pull my hood up and reach into my bag for anything to cover my face, I reach around until I feel a soft material and pull it out.
There in my hand lies one of Ashtons bandanas, the blue one, the one he gave to me because i would always hold onto it when i had a bad night, even before we all got together.

Clenching it in my hand i sigh and reach into my bag again and pull out my sunglasses, i put them on and wrap the bandana around me neck, it looks a bit weird in the elevator mirror but i honestly don't care.
As soon as the big gold doors of the moving box opened i rushed out and headed straight for the big shiny hotel front doors.
Once out into the day i realised how it was lat evening to early night, and i was just lucky there wasn't any paparazzi out at this time, i looked left and right and sort of stood bewildered for a bit, i was about to think about turning back into the hotel but i then saw a taxi stop not too far away as a lady got out.

I ran to the taxi and just as the lady was closing the door i stopped her and nodded at her, not smiling because of the bandana, "Excuse me could you take me to a hotel on the otherside of town?" i ask him not quite sure of what i'm doing to be honest.
The old man with a dented frown line in his forehead looks me up and down before nodding his head and pointing a finger at me to hop in and close the door.

"Thank you" I say as he starts to drive the car in the opposite direction of the boys and i hotel.
"No problem kid, but what hotel exactly did you want to go to?" he asks me looking into his rearview mirror and right into my eyes.
"Just somewhere far away and preferably not too expensive." I say now thinking about how i'm going to survive off the what-$1000-2000 in my wallet? i can live off it for a while but at some point i'll need to get a job, and dye my hair and get some bad fake glasses, maybe even a wig if i need to, i just can't let them find me, i'm out now.

Leaning my head tiredly on the window i think about my family, i won't be able to see them anymore, maybe i could send letters but not with a stamp or anything, just to let them know i'm okay and i love them. 
I pull my phone out from my pocket and check twitter, but i see nothing about my disappearance and while one side of my brain thinks that the boys just haven't found the note yet, the other side is telling me they just don't care.

"Okay kid here ya go, this hotels nice, got a pool and all, its about $90-100 a night? so hopefully that works for you?" i just nod at him and smile, reaching down to my wallet i see the man bring a hand up, "Listen kid i may not be the smartest pencil in the...pencil...case, but i know when someone needs a break and you look like you could use one, i don't know whats going on for you but let me tell you, it gets better. No charge kid." I look at the taxi man for a few seconds before smiling and nodding at him for a thank you, i pick my bag up and get out of the car and watch it drive away.

I turn behind me to look at the nice looking hotel, it's not as good as the last one, but i don't care, i just need a bed because it's already 7pm and i need to get a room.
Walking in i pull down my bandana but keep my glasses on and hood up, i can't take any chances around here. 
Going to the front desk i ring the little bell and wait until a perky woman comes up to me with a big toothy grin.
"Hello how may i help you today sir?" 
"Yeah i was wondering if it was possible to get single room? preferably on a high floor?" 
She types something into the system and smiles
"Absolutely sir, and what name is that under please." 
I look around and make sure no one is looking before i mutter quietly,
"Fletcher Thomas" She smiles and types some more before asking how long i plan to stay and if i would like to pay now or later?
"For around 2 days and later thank you." I say, she reaches under her desk and pulls out a room card, and when she finally hands it over to me I mutter a quiet "thank you" before pulling the bag on my back a bit tighter and heading for the stairs.

I make it to the 24th floor after about 20 minutes, i'm coughing and wheezing a bit but i feel much better, my head a bit lighter and my pain focusing on my body and not my mind for once.
I walk down the shiny hallway to my room, 215.
Swiping the card, I breathe a sigh when it opens and i enter the warm room, I kick off my shoes and pull of the glasses and bandana, i look to the carefully made bed and walk slowly up to it, i shed my jeans and take my phone out of my pocket before chucking it onto the floor and climb into bed.
It's cold. Thats the first thing i notice, the second thing is how sore my legs are from running up the stairs.

I tap on my phone until it opens up twitter and i almost choke at what i see.

@Michael5sos hey guys i don't want to alarm anyone but if you see luke please take a picture and send it to me or one of the boys? lukes a bit lost right now...

@Ashton5sos hi everyone please keep an eye out for luke! we really need to know where he is x

@Calum5sos Luke, come home please.

What have I done?

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