*Chapter 12* Planning

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We finally arrived at the hotel and were greeted by a massive group of screaming fans, the boys all stopped and smiled for pictures, I was looking particularly terrible today so I just stuck with autographs. We were given our room cards and I overheard the boys telling Greg that they will be sharing one room because they don't want me out of their sight. They are being sweet, and I know I should be grateful to have people who care about me, but I don't see why they would? I'm nothing compared to them, they're so much better than me, yet they still stay?

"Okay Lukey we're on the 3rd highest floor, how cool is that?!" Ashton says picking up his and my bag and smiling at me as we make our way to the elevator. I nod my head at the curly haired boys excitement, but I notice Calum staring straight at me from the hotel counter, where he is talking to Greg.
They are too far away for me to hear what they are saying but from the way Calum is slightly frowning it can't be amazing news, he stares at me for a bit longer before turning back to look at Greg and nods his head.
"Luke?" Ashton touches my arm softly, I turn to look at him and I notice, him and Michael both standing in the otherwise empty elevator waiting for me.
"Oh! Sorry just got distracted." I say blushing a bit and moving to the corner of the box.
They both smile at me as Calum jogs over to join us before the doors close.
The boys all make small talk while we go up and up, but I find myself too engrossed in my own mind to focus.

I could leave tonight? No get a good nights rest.
What about tomorrow? Possibly.
I'm running away? You're running away.

"So any movie requests for tonight boys?" Michael asks as he opens the door to the very spacious hotel room.
The walls are a soft creme colour and there is a massive window which overlooks the busy city. I move to sit on one of the inviting soft chairs near the window.

"Okay Luke what do you want to eat? you didn't have breakfast and didn't eat on the bus after, so choose now or I will." Calum says going over to look in the fully stocked kitchen. I shudder at the thought of food and awkwardly fiddle with a loose thread on the long sleeved shirt of Ashtons which i'm wearing.
"Luke?" Calum says turning to look at me with strong eyes. 
I look down and pull my hands into a tight fist around the ends of the sleeves and push them into my thighs.
"Fine then you're having...chicken and corn soup!" Calum exclaims from the other side of the hotel room, I close my eyes to stop the tears from trailing down my cheeks, I turn my head to face out the window as I feel some escape my eye. 
There's talking for a bit, but i'm just focusing on making sure my breath doesn't get out of hand.
"Here's your soup Luke." Calum says placing it beside me and sitting down a bit too close for my liking, I turn when he starts to blow on the soup and bring the spoon to the side of my head.
"Here ya go Lukey come on it smells good!" Cal tries desperately to get me to have some of the soup, but I can't, if I have that soup i'll get fat and I can't be fat.
"No." I say, I watch as Calums eyebrows furrow and Mikey and Ashton turn from where they were perched on the kitchen bench.
"What do you mean no? come on Luke please eat it." Calum says moving the spoon forward to my mouth, I shake my head and move closer to the edge of the couch and of course perfect timing, my stomach decides to make an inhuman loud noise which makes Calums lips turn into a pitiful pout. 
"Luke just one mou-"
"NO" I say pushing myself off the couch and standing like a deer in headlights, I see Ashton and Michael come forward with their arms almost above their head to show they mean no harm, Calum has stood up and is slowly approaching me.
"Babe I'm sorry but you need to eat." Calum gets closer and I can't handle it, I run forward and slip out of his grasp, Michael and Ashton see me coming and I push forward in the hopes of getting past them, but when i'm nearly away Ashtons hand pushed out and grips the lower back of my shirt, which makes me fall backwards hopelessly and give Michael the perfect amount of time to get up and lightly place himself on my stomach so I don't try to get away again.

"Lukey just stay still babe and this will be over quickly okay?" Calum says coming over with the warm bowl of soup, I start to shake my head and clench my mouth shut. 
"Open up love" Ashton says holding my arms down with a sad smile and tears in his eyes.
"Mikey love can you please hold his nose?" Calum asks Michael nicely.
After about 10 seconds I feel my head start to go light so I open my mouth and greedily take in as much air as I can.
"Got it!" Calum says pushing the spoon into my mouth and then closing it so I can't spit it out. 
The taste is disgustingly delicious and I hate myself so much when I find myself wanting more.
"No no no please no Ash Cal Mikey no please don't" I yell as they all start to softly cry expect for Calum who keeps his face stone cold and keeps feeding me, I continue to cry until I eventually get too tired and my voice is nearly gone.

"I'm so sorry baby" Calum says scooping me up from the floor, I just nod my head and turn to cry into his stomach from where he is kneeling and i'm lying.
"You're so brave sweetheart" Mikey says patting my hair in a loving way
"We love you Lukey" Ashton presses a soft kiss into my hair and I find myself wondering what the hell I would do without these boys?

"Not our fault Lukes fat." (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now