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I woke up from my nap replaying what happened with Colby earlier. I cannot believe I had to run into him today of all days. I mean the first time I leave in a month and a half and of course I see him. I quickly get the thought of him out of my head and start to focus on getting ready to go to Xephers. It's 8:30 pm already. I literally slept all day.

I walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of camo pants and a pair of sweatpants just in case I end up sleeping there. I grabbed a black tank top thats cropped. The words "devil child" written on it with a devil baby. My favorite shirt. Colby always liked this shirt. Stop thinking about him Maddi.

I went to the bathroom and got undressed and turned the shower on. The water hit my back so intensely but I loved it. I turned on the driver era and listened to them as I took my shower. My very first song comes out tonight. It all feels so surreal. I hope everyone likes it.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I connected my music to the speaker I had and blasted music while I did my makeup. After I finished my makeup I began to do my hair. Something simple though. I curled my hair and brushed it out so it would be wavy. I then changed into my outfit and put a bag together of my sweatpants and some extra makeup. I sprayed myself in perfume and put deodorant on. It's 9:30 already damn.

I turned all my lights off and looked at myself in the mirror one last time. Good enough. I grabbed my keys, wallet, and bag off the kitchen table. I locked my door and walked to my car. Im excited and nervous at the same time. Excited to see the girls but nervous because I haven't hung out with them in so long. I'll be okay, its going to be fun.

I began to drive to Xephers while listening to music on the way. I quickly arrive at Xephers considering she doesn't live too far from me. As I pulled into her apartment complex something came over me. I don't know if i'm ready to hangout with them. I feel like i'm gonna throw up. I don't understand why i'm so nervous about this. We've been friends for a year. I slowly got out of my car and slowly walked into the lobby. Regretting every step I made that inched me closer to her apartment. As I got to the door I took a breath and knocked on it. I hear Xephers voice telling me to come in and the rest of the girls talking. I opened the door and they all look at me with smiles. Maybe this won't be too bad. I sat my stuff next to the couch and sat down. I think i'm gonna have a lot of fun tonight.

im so sorry for the long wait for this update. my phone broke and i just got a new phone. new chapters coming soon:)

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