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Esmè walked into the flat. Carla smiled and looked at her. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Esmè nodded and sat on the sofa. She was close to crying but she wouldn't say anything. "I miss Grace."

Carla sighed. Grace was Esmè's older sister. The two of them were extremely close until Grace left. Esmè missed her too much. "She'll come back soon. I know she will. She can never stay away for too long before she's back."

Esmè shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe."

Carla knew in that moment, something was bothering her daughter. She sighed. "You know you can talk to me about anything done you?" She asked.

Esmè nodded and walked off into her bedroom. Carla sighed. She got on the phone and ordered in Esmè's favourite takeaway.


Esmè was sitting on her bed when Carla walked in. Carla smiled. "How do you fancy Chinese egg fried rice, chips or pizza."

Esmè grinned. "Pizza. Is that even a question you should ask me?" She asked.

"Good answer kiddo."


Esmè left the flat with her mum the next morning. She was meant to be going to school. But she wasn't. She didn't feel up to it.

Carla dropped her off at the school. Esmè waited for her to be out of sight before she walked out the school gates. She missed her teacher calling her name.

Esmè walked to the local park. She sat on the swings and sighed. She rolled up the sleeve on her jacket and saw the bruises. She wiped away some of the tears.

Esmè knew that if Carla found out about the bruises, she would want to know where they came from and Esmè wouldn't be able to leave the flat.


Carla was sitting in the factory. She got a phone call and got mad. She hung up as Michelle walked in. "What happened?" She asked.

"Esmè the bloody devil. She walked out of school. I bloody took her there myself."

Michelle smiled slightly. "She's like you. Can't deny that."

"I know. That's why I'm not bloody happy."


Esmè kept on getting phone calls from her mum. She wasn't answering. She knew that Carla was going to kill her. Esmè turned her phone off and walked around the park.

Esmè knew when she went home, she was in deep trouble. Carla was going to ground her.


Michelle had somehow calmed Carla down. She sighed. "Kicking off at Esmè isn't going to help. She's probably wanting to rebel. You've done that a fair few times."

Carla rolled her eyes. "Well why me? Why does is it have to be my daughter who's doing it? She was always the good girl. The one who never gave me any grief."

Michelle smirked. "She's like you."


Eventually Esmè returned home. Carla and Michelle were waiting. "You're in big trouble lady. Where have you been?" She asked.


Carla groaned. "Essy, you know you can't be in the park. It's not safe. Especially for someone like you."

Esmè rolled her eyes. She was sick of being treated like a baby. But deep down, all she wanted was for her mum to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

Bur Esmè knew that she couldn't tell her mum. She couldn't ruin everything.

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