Xo Nine xo

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Esmè knew how things were in her family and she knew that it was changing. She knew all that had happened and she was worried. She was worried about her sister and everything. She didn't know what to think.

All that she knew was that Grace had lost her baby because of Robert. And she was going to take what she could from him not just because she had lost her baby. 

But because of what he had done to Esmè. And how he had used her to get to Carla and to hurt her. She knew how she was worried about what a mess it was.

Esmè walked through the flat and smiled as she saw Carla and looked to her and smiled.  "Do you think that grace is okay? With what she's been through. I mean she lost a baby. And I don't want her to ignore how she feels and focus on revenge. Cause we know that won't end well if she does," Esmè said.

Carla looked to her and smiled.  "I know. I know that you worry about your sister. But Grace is a lot stronger than she seems. I may not like it. But she married Nick and if she does crumble after all of this, I do believe he will be there for her. I mean he is her husband. And we will also be there for her as her family. It will work out in the end," she said as Esmè looked to her and smiled.

Esmè hoped that she was right as she couldn't help but worry about what was going on in her life.

"Shouldn't you be ready to go to school?" Carla said as Esmè groaned at the mention.

She knew that a lot had happened lately. So school and her exams and slipped her mind. And she hadn't told Carla just how she was failing every class as she knew it was only so long before Carla was called into the school about it.

Esmè knew that she was doing her best to avoid that from happening. But she didn't know how much longer that she could put off Carla being called in.

"Yeah I guess so," Esmè said as Carla looked to her and smiled.


Esmè stood walking through the street. She smiled as she saw Grace who smiled. "Shouldn't you be at school?" She asked.

Esmè looked to her and rolled her eyes. "You sound like mum. I am going. Shouldn't you be working on your new restaurant or something?"

Grace looked to her and rolled her eyes at her. "Charming as ever. I was going to ask you if you wanted to have a weekend job. But never mind," she said.

"Wait really?" Esmè asked.

Grace smiled. "Yes I know what it's like to be a teenager. You want all these things. And I know what mum is like on her £30 a week budget. So I thought if you had a job and your own money. You will just be taking orders. And it's only for a few hours a week. But it's something," she said.

Esmè looked to her sister and smiled. "I'd love too."

"We'd have to talk to mum. But I'm sure she'll be okay with it. Friday after school. Which you need to be going too and doing well. You're smart Essie. Don't waste your potential," Grace said as Esmè looked to her and smiled.


Esmè walked out of the cafe as she walked into someone. She looked to see Adam and smiled. "Oh sorry," she said.

Adam smiled. "Oh don't worry. It's fine. Are you okay?"

Esmè looked to him and smiled.  "I'm okay school has been on my back. My grades have dropped. My mum and Grace can't know. Grace offered me a job. So I'd like to take it. But if my grades drop I can't. I know I have exams soon. And I don't want to let my family down," she said.

Adam looked to her and nodded. "I get that. I do. But I think that you will be okay. If you need some help, I'm here. I'm a lawyer after all. So I am smart," he said.

Esmè looked to him and smiled. "Thanks. I appreciate it," she said as she smiled.

She had no idea just how adam would soon change her life.

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