Xo Four xo

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Esmè sat in the flat with Grace. Grace handed her a cup of hot chocolate. She smiled. "Are you okay?" Grace asked.

Esmè looked to her and sighed. "I've been better," Esmè said.

Grace smiled and looked to her little sister. She sat down next to her. "I know that things are a mess. But it'll be okay. You're not alone. I know what Robert did to you. I know he hurt you. But it will all be okay. I'm going to do all that I can to stop him from hurting you. I promise he won't get away with it," Grace said.

Esmè smiled slightly. "I don't want mum to know. I don't want her to hate me," Esmè said.

Grace sighed as she held her close. "She won't hate you. I swear that she won't. I know that you're scared about it all. But mum loves you. None of this is your fault," Grace told her.

Esmè looked to her and smiled. Grace knew Esmè was struggling. She knew the last thing she wanted to do was push anything on her. Grace smiled. "Okay. Look. We won't tell her yet. But she does need to know eventually. I swear I won't let Robert hurt you again. I'll tell mum you're staying here for a few days. We will sort it," Grace said as Esmè looked to her and smiled.


Esmè sat in Grace's flat. She heard a knock at the door. She stood up and frowned as she opened the door and saw Adam. "Er...hi," Esmè said.

Adam smiled. "Is Nick in? I've got some paperwork for him," Adam said.

"No. You can come in and put it on the side. He took Grace out for lunch," Esmè told him.

Adam nodded. He put the paperwork on the side. He looked to Esmè and smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Esmè nodded. "Yeah. It's just one of those days. That's all. I'll be fine. I'm just trying to make things work so that they'll be okay," Esmè said.

Adam looked to her and nodded as he smiled. He wasn't stupid. He knew there was something bothering Esmè. And he wanted to be there for her. But he didn't know how.

He could tell that she wasn't herself.  He knew he was trying to be there for her. Adam knew he was a lot older than her. But part of him couldn't help that he wanted to be there for Esmè. "I'm here for you. If you ever need me."

"Thank you," Esmè said as Adam looked to her and smiled.


Esmè sat in the flat and sighed. Esmè knew she was glad that she had told Grace about Robert. And what he had done to her.

She knew she and Adam were getting closer. And she knew she liked him. But she also knew how messy things were. She knew that they were going to get a lot more complicated.

Especially as she was keeping a huge secret when it came to Robert and what he had done to her.

Esmè knew her life was about to change because of it all. And she knew how scared she was.

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