Chapter 27

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Dean had everyone in his house quietly hiding behind furniture, the lights all switched off, eagerly anticipating Lindley's knock on the front door. The party would be out by the fire pit once she arrived, but for the sake of hiding, the entire town it felt like was ducked beneath furniture with red solo cups to toast to the birthday girl once she entered. ME and Wyatt, having arrived just before Lindley, were stationed by the door for her arrival—ME manning the light switch and Wyatt holding a shot glass to welcome her in the door.

The lights flickered on and off for a moment, before remaining off. "I think I hear her coming!" yell-whispered ME, and a hush fell over the room. A few giggles and whispered words were met by a sharp Shh! from various lips in the room. When the door opened, the lights clicked on, and a roar of "Surprise!" came from every voice in the room except one.

Dean stood up, staring at the door, a beer in his hand, but his mouth was only slightly agape. A horrible, withering feeling flooded his stomach, and his face burned. He clenched his jaw, seeing Lindley walk in the door, closely followed by Wren, dressed as usual, in his city boy vampire attire. Dean's first instinct was to throw the cup as hard as he could against the wall, but he tensed his muscles against the reflex.

"This is too much," Lindley chided, smiling uncomfortably, but warmly. Everybody turned to Dean, and he forced a smile on his face.

"Raise your glasses!" He instructed, his voice a bit more grating and strained than he had intended. Dean couldn't help but catch a few of the glances that scrutinized how he would respond to Lindley showing up to the party Dean threw for her at his house with a date that wasn't him. "Happy birthday, Lindley. Here's to you."

Murmurs followed Dean leading everyone in a celebratory drink. Every one could tell he was shaken, despite his best efforts at a casual demeanor. Ignoring them, he took a few long sips from his red solo cup filled with Keystone.

Lindley, for her part, was being a sport about the surprise party. She hugged ME and Wyatt as though she hadn't seen them moments ago.

"This is for you," Wyatt told her, handing over the shot glass. "It wasn't my idea."

"Dean was insistent on it," ME told her, watching the golden boy make his way over to the door where the quartet was standing.

"After this you're drinking for me," Lindley hissed subtly at the group at large, particularly Wyatt and Wren.

"Happy birthday," Dean said warmly, fixing his eyes on Lindley's. He reached his arms around to hug her firmly around the waist. Wren didn't miss the dark, pointed look he was given by the once friendly Adonis.

"You didn't have to do all this," Lindley said into his ear, carefully holding the shot aloft so as not to spill it on her best friend. The buzz that had swept upon her on the walk to Dean's allowed her friend to hold her a bit longer and more informally than normal. As the two parted, she kicked him gently with her shoe. "I hear this is your doing." She gestured to her welcome drink. "What even is it?"

"Apple pie moonshine, of course," he winked, elbowing her playfully and laughing.

"Of course it is—what else?" she asked sarcastically before bracing herself and tossing the shot back. It burned on its way down, and Lindley couldn't stay the thought that no part of the experience reminded her of apple pie. "Just as delicious as always," she croaked, her face scrunched and mouth frowning emphatically.

Dean laughed along with ME and Wyatt. He looked toward Wren with a rightful superiority that served to lessen his jealousy and resentment toward the relative stranger. "Lindley's first ever alcoholic drink was apple pie moonshine at midnight on her 18th birthday. It's 'come a thing of tradition."

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