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Fugo got changed into a plain shirt and boxers, and then sat down on the bed. He lay back watching the boring hotel TV channels. After a couple of minutes, Fugo heard a ring of the hotels doorbell. Fugo got up and answered it. It was Narancia's pizza, delivered by one of hotels staff members. Fugo thanked them and closed the door. Setting the pizza down on the bed, he knocked on the bathroom door.
"Narancia! Pizza's ready!"
"Alright, coming!" Narancia yelled back as the sound of running water came to a halt.
As Fugo sat back down on the bed, he gazed out the window and became completely lost in thought.

I will find the perfect time to tell him.
No matter what.

A couple of minutes went by, and Narancia exited the bathroom wearing some baggy pyjamas provided by the hotel. His hair was still damp, and it fell messily across his face.

God, he looks so fucking cute.

"Hey Fugo, sorry I took a while." Narancia said as he walked over and sat on the bed.
"No problem."
Fugo assured him.
"Now eat up before your food gets cold."
Narancia picked up a slice of pizza and began eating as he gazed out the window.
"It sure is pretty tonight." Narancia softly spoke. Fugo turned his attention to the night sky, and looked into the stars.
"Yeah... it is."

Almost as pretty as you...

Fugo gazed into Narancia's eyes, filled with the reflections of the stars.
"Hey, Narancia, do you want to sit outside? It shouldn't be too cold. It might be nice to get some fresh air."
Narancia turned back to Fugo.
"Sure thing." He stood up and took the plate of pizza in his hands as Fugo got up and unlocked the balcony door. After placing the pizza on the small outdoor coffee table, Narancia sat down on one of the lounging chairs and Fugo sat down on the other. The outside air was warm, and the breeze was cool. The gentle gusts of wind blew strands of hair into Fugo's face.

"It's nice out here." Narancia said.
"Yeah, sure is." Fugo agreed. Narancia glanced back out to the stars and leaned closer to Fugo.
"Hey Fugo, look." He pointed up to a cluster of stars.
"It's a heart." Narancia smiled at Fugo as the two looked up at the vaguely shaped constellation.
"That heart's from me to you, because your my best friend."
Fugo's face turned red at Narancia's words.

Shit. He's fucking adorable.

"Ah, thank you.. Your my best friend too."
Fugo replied, looking away as to hide his blush.
Narancia smiled.
"Really? Thank you Fugo."
The two sat there quietly, just enjoying each other's presence. After a short while of silence, Narancia spoke.

"Hey Fugo, thank you for staying by me all this time."
Narancia sighed.
"When no one else was there for me, you always were. I wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for you."
Both boys stayed silent. Fugo didn't like thinking about it, but Narancia's outcome in life could have been completely different if it weren't for him.
"R-right. Well, of course I'd stay by you. Your an amazing person with so much potential and you deserve to be loved. Don't ever think otherwise."

More silence passed between them. The solemn topic had made Fugo think more and more about how much he wanted to be there for Narancia. How much he wanted to be by his side. How much he wanted to be closer to him than anyone else on earth.

"I love you, Fugo."

Silence. Fugo wasn't sure he'd heard Narancia correctly. His cheeks turned a bright red, and he stuttered a response.


A large blush spread its way across Narancia's face as well.

"I-I love you, Fugo. I really do. I love you more than I love anyone else. I love you as more than a friend."

Holy shit holy shit holy shit.
This has to be a dream.
How is this happening.

Fugo buried his face deeper into the palms of his hands. This didn't feel real.
Narancia.. loved him?

Narancia put a hand on Fugo's shoulder.
"Fugo, I'm sorry, please don't feel like you have to feel that way too. I understand you probably don't, l-"
"Narancia." Fugo looked up into his eyes and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers.
"I love you, so much. I have for the longest time. I've wanted nothing more than to hear that."
Before either of them could say anything more, Fugo put his free hand on Narancia's face and pulled him closer. Their lips connected, and the two of them held one another close. Fugo felt Narancia's smooth lips press against his own, the feeling was truely blissful. Their lips moved back and fourth against each other's as they slowly indulged in the kiss.

Holy fuck.
This is amazing.
I can't fucking believe this is happening.

Fugo thought to himself. The thing he'd been so worried about, had gone so much better than he could ever have hoped for.
Nothing could truely describe the way he was feeling in that very moment.
He was just completely in love.
Both of them were.

After what seemed like forever, their lips parted as they slowly backed their heads away from each other. They both stared into each other's eyes, before Narancia pushed himself slightly away and covered his face in the palm of his hands.
"F-Fugo, I-...." Narancia began to trail off. He was flustered mess.
"T-Thank you." He spoke.
Fugo smiled softly.
"Yeah... thank you too."
Narancia yawned and looked up at Fugo.
"I'm tired Fugo... can we go inside?"

The two of the got up, and Narancia flopped down onto their bed as Fugo closed the door and set the unfinished pizza down on a table.
Sitting down on the bed beside him, Narancia immediately put his arm over Fugo's chest.

"H-Hey Fugo.. I really liked it when you kissed me. Could you.. maybe..... do it again?"
Fugo ran his fingers through Narancia's hair, massaging him.
"Of course."
He placed a hand under the other boys chin and lifted his head. Leaning in closer, Fugo pressed his lips against Narancia's. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds before they pulled away.

Narancia was still heavily blushing, and he hid his face in his hands again. Seeing Narancia so flustered was incredibly cute, and Fugo couldn't help but hug him. Narancia sat there for a few seconds, before embracing Fugo's body and holding it against his own.

"You're so cute when you're like this, Narancia." Fugo told him.
"S-Shut up... I'm not cute..."
Narancia blushed even more.
"Whatever you say, cutie." Fugo teased.

Fugo lay back in their bed and held Narancia tight to him, feeling his warmth was comforting. The two of them practically melted into their hug, their bodies heavy from exhaustion and their desire to sleep in each others arms.

"Narancia" Fugo yawned.
"Are you even gonna finish your pizza?" He joked, knowing full well Narancia was on the verge of passing out.
"Hnnngg.... too tired......."
He sleepily responded.
Fugo kissed his forehead as they sank further into the blankets of their bed.

"I love you Fugo...."

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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