-Advice from a friend-

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9 pm

"Alright, everyone out!" Buccarati yelled into the back of the car, making Mista jump from his sleep so suddenly he hit his head on the roof. Everyone else groggily woke up and stretched. Fugo opened his eyes, and in an instant he realised where he was.

Shit. Did I really fall asleep like this?

He pushed himself off of Narancia's lap and gently tapped his shoulder.
"Hey, Narancia. Wake up"
"Hhnnng...." Narancia groaned, turning his head away.
"That's an order from Bucciarati. Get up." Fugo demanded more harshly.
"Okay okay I'm up, no need to get impatient." He replied as he stretched his back.

The two climbed over the seats and got out the car with the rest of the gang. The car was parked in a parking lot of a relatively nice looking hotel, and no one else appeared to be near.
"What're the order's Bucciarati?" Asked Mista.
Bucciarati stood in front of everyone and cleared his throat.
"We'll be staying the night at this hotel. With the amount enemy stand users tracking us, we need to lay low. I've received information from up ahead that there are still plenty of fights waiting for us, and I can tell that we're all exhausted. We'll be up at 6am tomorrow morning, so get some good rest."
"Will we get our own rooms?" Trish questioned.
"We've booked four rooms ahead of time." Bucciarati replied.
"You'll decide who to spend the night with, and since there are four there will be one person who gets their own. I'll be staying with Abbacchio."
Trish immediately decided on her room.
"I'll be sleeping alone."
"Sweet, I call dibs on sharing with Giorno." Mista piped up.
That left Fugo and Narancia. The thought of sharing a private room with Narancia made Fugo's heart flutter.
"Well Fugo, I guess that leaves us!" Narancia said happily.
"Yeah, I guess so." Fugo smiled back at him.

With that, the gang headed inside the building. They received their room keys and took the elevator up to the second floor, having small and tired discussions on the way up.
The elevator doors opened and everyone stepped off. Bucciarati handed everyone their keys and said goodnight.
"I'll see you all in the morning." He spoke.
"I'll see you then, Bucciarati." Giorno calmly waved as him and Mista turned around to head to their room. The two of them whispered things in each other's ears, smiling. It wasn't loud enough for Fugo to hear but he got the main idea of the things they were saying. It's not like the two of them didn't make it obvious that they liked each other.
Fugo turned to Narancia.
"Well, I guess we should get going as well now."
"Sure thing Fugo!" Narancia sweetly smiled back.
Saying goodbye to the others, the two boys headed to their room and slipped the key into the keyhole. As soon as the door clicked open, Narancia swiftly entered the room and practically threw himself onto the bed face first.
"I take it your tired?" Fugo chuckled, looking over at Narancia as he closed the door behind him.
"Hhhnnnngg...." Narancia grunted in response, still face down on the bed. Fugo simply smiled and flopped down on the bed next to him.
"I guess that's fair, none of us really got much of a real sleep in the car. Man, today was exhausting."
Narancia rolled over and put his arm over Fugo, making his cheeks red at the affection.
"I'm hungry Fugo. Can we get something to eat?"
Fugo sat up and glanced at the phone and menu set on the hotels desk.
"I suppose we could order some from room service."
Fugo grabbed the menu and looked through it.
"What would you like?"
"Oh! Margherita pizza! Do they have that?" Narancia replied, peeking over Fugo's shoulder to look at the menu.
"Yup, looks like they do." Fugo said as he pointed it out on the menu.
"I'm not too hungry, so I'll just order you one." Fugo put down the menu and reached for the phone.
"Hi, this is room 708. I'd like to make an order."

Narancia lay back in bed and stared up at the ceiling as Fugo made his call. He closed his eyes and just listened to Fugo's voice, not what it was saying but just it's sound in general. In truth, Narancia loved listening and talking to Fugo. The sound of his voice soothed Narancia, that is when he wasn't shouting. Narancia has begun to feel even more strongly toward Fugo in the past few weeks, but being Narancia, it took him a while to figure out what it actually was.
Fugo hung up and placed the phone down.
"It should be here in about 15 minutes." He said as he turned to Narancia.
"Cool. What do you wanna do?" He smiled at Fugo, and he couldn't help but stare at him.

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