Chapter 18 ~ Castiel Just Wants to Put a Ring on It

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Gabriel was pretty fucking angry, not gonna lie.

"Samantha you can't just not sleep!" he yelled, stalking around the kitchen table Sam had put between them, "I'm a grown man Gabriel I can do what I want!" Sam moved the table, cutting off Gabriel's route. Gabriel bared his teeth, "When I catch you I swear I'm gonna knock you out for a week."

Turns out, Sam had not been sleeping. At all. Not even a little bit. He had been staying up doing some kind of research he refused to talk about, and now Sam could barely stand without swaying.

"You can't just ignore your human needs dumbass! You need that body to survive!"

"Then just heal me and make it better!"

Gabriel slammed his hand on the table, "Sam that's not how that works!"

"I can take care of myself Gabe!"

"Obviously you can't, otherwise you would just take a fucking nap like a normal person!"

That's where the argument had spawned. Gabriel had suggested Sam sleep for a little, at least until Winchester #2 and Winchester-in-waiting got back, and Sam had shrugged it off saying he couldn't waste time on a nap.

Sam had nearly collapsed during their conversation with the Sheriff.

After the barn incident, Gabriel and Sam had taken the liberty of dealing with the last remaining vampire, Oz, which mainly consisted of creating some drink that would de-vampire anyone who was in the process of turning. Then, Sam dealt with the authorities that were called, and he was stuck filling out reports and now he looked like a walking corpse because of how sunken in his eyes were and he has the audacity to say he's fine?

"Don't make me snap this table to splinters Moose."

"Alright!" Sam quickly moved to the side, and Gabriel, who had been pushing on the table, suddenly went forward, slamming onto the table and scattering various cups that had been set out.

"Look, here I go, laying on the bed!" Sam theatrically sprawled out, his feet sticking off the edge, "And now I close my eyes, slowly drifting away!"

Gabriel walked over, standing over the giant who had his eyes squeezed shut, "This isn't funny you human Empire State building."

Sam opened one eye to look at him questioningly, "Human Empire State building?"

"That didn't come out as smooth as I thought it would."

Both of Sam's eyes were open now, crinkled at edge as he smiled, "Nah that one did suck. You'll have to try harder."

"And what am I trying for, exactly?" Gabriel leaned forward, bracing his arm on the headboard and smirking.

Sam flustered, his face gaining a bit of pink as Gabriel realized what he'd just said. Wow, he really hadn't meant to let that slip. Luckily, or maybe not so luckily, the lock on the motel door jiggled, which distracted Sam long enough for Gabriel to slip his hand over Sam's cheek and magically suggest Sam take a nice long nap.

Which was when Castiel opened the door and witnessed Gabriel leaning over an unconscious Sam Winchester and cradling said man's face. He had barely taken a step in, but when he registered what he had seen he suddenly pushed backwards against an oblivious Dean Winchester and slammed the door shut. Gabriel leapt back, speeding to the door which he flung open just to see Castiel stare at him wide-eyed.

"You saw nothing." he hissed as Dean stood, confused, looking between Castiel and Gabriel for an answer.

"And be quiet. Sam's asleep." Gabriel moved to the side, allowing the two others in. Castiel continued to stare at Gabriel with a baffled expression, but Gabriel (for the most part) ignored him.

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