Chapter 11 ~ The Big Brother Talk

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Gabriel only escaped Sam's questions when the man finally fell asleep. It was flattering, obviously, getting this much attention as Gabriel talked about his involvement in history, but damn. Sam crashed at a desk and Gabriel was almost gonna leave him like that but decided to say screw it and decided to be nice. He conjured a pillow and slipped it under the guy's head and then a light blanket to drape over his shoulder. He did a once over to check his work and then slipped out as quiet as a mouse. It was when he walked past the theater room that he came to a screeching halt. The TV was a Netflix screen, but the main part of his attention was on the two people cuddled on the couch. Dean was sleeping with his head on the armrest and his lower body mostly spread on the couch (with the exception of a leg loosely dangling off). One arm was over his eyes, but the other. The other rested over the top of a sleeping Castiel who was laying on top with his head cradled on Dean's chest. Gabriel found the scene perfectly fitting for a romance movie, but, personally, also wanted to throw up. In the end, that was still his younger brother. Gabriel walked away smiling though, he was happy his bro found some peace. Even if it was with a Winchester.

The next morning, Gabriel stalked up to Castiel and jabbed him with his elbow, "You sly dog you." Castiel seemed confused as Gabriel continued, "So you got Mr. Commitment-Issues to say something? That's pretty impressive Cassy, I have to hand it to you."

"Gabriel, what are you talking about."

Gabriel wiggled his eyebrows, "What do you think I'm talking about -- you and Dean obviously."

Castiel continued to stare in confusion so Gabriel elaborated, "I saw you with Dean last night."

"Yes, we watched a movie together."

"Yeah, and then something happened between watching a movie and sleeping on top of him."

Castiel didn't respond but stared at Gabriel as if Gabriel had grown a third arm. He gaped, "You didn't know? You were laying on his chest and you don't even know you did that?"

"Gabriel..." started Castiel, his face still scrunched as he tried to figure out what Gabriel had just said, but Gabriel rolled his eyes and announced loudly, "Good morning, Deano." as said man walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hands. The man sighed into his cup but that didn't stop Gabriel from waltzing over and nudging him, "You must know about the whole cuddling thing, right?" Dean raised an eyebrow in question, making the horrible mistake of downing some coffee as Gabriel continued, "Cassy here says he doesn't remember falling asleep on you but that's just crazy right?" Dean choked, coughing and hacking as he struggled to maintain his balance. His face was red, and Gabriel couldn't decide if it was because he was embarrassed or dying.

"Dean," said Castiel like a worried housewife, as he approached and took the mug from Dean as the man leaned over and focused on breathing. Gabriel never understood how Cas could just say the guy's name and convey so much. It was like their always (Gabriel immediately threw up in his mouth after that thought).

"Come on Deano, you must know something." Gabriel bat his eyelashes innocently and Dean gave an icy glare as he coughed out a, "I don't know what you're talking about." The moment was officially concluded when the youngest (and tallest) Winchester walked up on the scene and gave Gabriel the most bewildered look as he tried to piece together what had just happened. Gabriel mouthed, "Don't ask." and Sam shrugged before walking past them into the kitchen, starting up a conversation with Castiel which lured the man away leaving only Gabriel and Dean.

"What're you trying to play at, Deano?" asked Gabe, a tinge of seriousness edging his playful voice.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Of course you fucking know what I'm talking about you giant moronic troglodyte."

Gabriel loved watching Dean try to react to the insult.

"Nothing happened, alright? He just...fell over in his sleep. That's all."

"Yeah, and I'm Dr. Phil. Cut the shit Winchester."

Dean was starting to get angry, and Gabriel found that horribly pathetic. Seriously, how much daddy issues and emotional trauma can be shoved into an organic body?

"Look, I think you're the dumbest person to walk the face of the planet. I think you do something that no one in their right mind would ever do. But, Castiel thinks you are the bravest, strongest, and most caring person to have ever existed -- and trust me, we have both met a ton of people-- and so whatever you do. Whatever you think is right, or wrong, it doesn't matter--" Gabriel's light hearted speech suddenly shifted to righteous. This was the only thing he was certain about, "If you ever hurt Castiel, if you ever mess with him, I will beam my ass back here and rip out your fucking heart myself."

That, for some reason, got a different response than Gabriel was expecting because Dean's eyes went dark as his shoulders rose and he said, perfectly level, "Says the guy who's never stuck around to make good on any of his promises."

Dean took a step forward, and Gabriel had to admit Dean was pretty intimidating as the man continued, "Since when have you ever cared about Cas. How many times have I seen your cowardly ass here to save him when he's been in danger? You've never been there, Gabriel. Never."

Now, Gabriel wasn't an inherently angry person. It was relatively hard to get on his bad side, since he preferred the laid back methodology. But this? Gabriel had never seen red so intense in his life.

"You motherfucker--!" Gabriel couldn't stop himself as he lunged with his hands aimed for Dean's neck. For this bastard, of all people, to point out Gabriel's fuck-ups was unacceptable.

Dean wasn't expecting the attack and couldn't move fast enough as Gabriel knocked them both over, his hands wrapped around Dean's throat as he actually growled. Dean dropped the coffee, the mug shattering on the floor next to them, as he brought his fist up and connected it to Gabriel's cheek. The single moment where Gabriel flinched was the moment Dean brought his head up and connected it to Gabe's nose. The archangel cursed and backed up, ready for a second strike when Castiel and Sam appeared.



The two quickly intervened.

"What the hell happened?" asked Sam as he looked between the two men breathing heavily. Castiel was at Dean's side, running a finger over the bruises rising to the surface.

"Ask trigger happy over there." spat Dean as he bat off Castiel's attentive hands.

"Ask Khloe Kardashian over there." retaliated Gabriel keeping direct, smug, eye contact as Sam checked his (most definitely) broken nose.

"What happened." Castiel demanded, his voice commanding and strict. Dean wiped his mouth with his sleeve (the over-dramatic asshole), "Nothing happened." and he stormed off, shrugging away from Castiel when he tried to follow. Castiel stood there, watching Dean leave. To a human, who could only read body language, it might seem that Castiel was fine, even undisturbed by Dean leaving. But for Gabriel, who could see the wings humans could never see, there he saw the truth. His wings were fluttering, shaking, expressing sadness and rejection. Gabriel almost went to hunt Dean down, but Sam planted a firm hand on his shoulder, "You will explain exactly what the hell just went down."

"Alright, alright," he said, pulling away from the giant, "Let me just fix my nose." The cracking sound made Sam shiver in disgust. 

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