Chapter Three

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It was the end of the day, and all classes were finished. Gaara stood by the entrance of the school, waiting for Naruto so he could show him to his house.

His back was placed against the wall, while his arms were crossed. Gaara could see Naruto rushing up the hallway, coming his way. A sudden thought came to Gaara's mind. Those dreams.

"Your skin is warm... just like the sand..." Naruto whispered, as his hands trailed over Gaara's back. Naruto sat on Gaara's lap, looking into his eyes.

Gaara was breathless, and his cheeks were warm. He ran his fingertips down Naruto's back.

Gaara snapped himself out of it, shaking his head. He didn't want to get himself worked out, although, he would be alone with Naruto, but he didn't want to approach him like that. The two barely knew each other. Gaara didn't even understand why he had such a deep desire for this boy.

It was the first day Gaara had seen Naruto. Gaara hated to admit it, but the boy was so cute, along with his personality, though he was a fool. He was energetic, in no way shy, and adorable.

"I'm ready!" Naruto greeted Gaara.

Nodding his head, Gaara made his way out of the building, with Naruto following behind him.

"Where do you live?" Naruto asked.

"It's about a five minute walk." Gaara said, looking straight ahead.

"Hey, we'll be going right by the ramen shop! Can we stop by?" Naruto asked.

"We don't have time. We've got work to do." Gaara said.

"Come on! We'll leave as soon as we eat!" Naruto promised as he begged. Gaara sighed.

"Fine." Gaara agreed.

"Yes!" Naruto cried in excitement, "It'll be on me."

Gaara looked at Naruto, snicking a little at his excitement. Naruto didn't notice this. He was looking straight ahead, as his stomach was begging for the ramen. Soon enough, the two were there, and had took their seats, quickly ordering their food.

Naruto licked his lips as his bowl of ramen was sat in front of him. He didn't waste any time digging in.

"You shouldn't swallow that so fast, you know." Gaara said, before taking a bite.

"Don't worry I'll be fine." Naruto said with a mouth full.

As Naruto ate quickly, Gaara took his time. What was one bowl, turned into three for Naruto, within the time Gaara had finished.

"I don't know about you, but I'm stuffed." Naruto said. Gaara looked at the three bowls in surprise.

"I'd say you are." Gaara chuckled.

Naruto reached into his pocket, but Gaara grabbed his hand. Naruto looked up, a bit stunned, and Gaara could see fear in his eyes.

"You don't have to pay for mine," Gaara said, "I will."

"It's... no problem." Naruto said, looking down at Gaara's pale hand. Gaara let go, and laid his money on the table.

"I got it." He said.

Naruto simply nodded his head, and put his money on the table. The two headed out, and began to head back to Gaara's place.

"Do you have any siblings?" Naruto asked, wondering how many people he would expect to be there.

"I'm seventeen years old, and have been alone most of my life. I live alone." Gaara said. Naruto was a bit surprised, but he could relate to that so well.

"I live alone, too." Naruto stated. Gaara was also surprised.

"It gets pretty lonely, doesn't it?" Naruto asked suddenly.

"I've grown to get used to the loneliness." Gaara said.

It was surprising to Naruto that Gaara had said that. It seemed to echo into Naruto's mind for a moment, until Gaara informed him they had arrived at his home.

It was quiet. Inside, it was clean, and had a sort of sweet smell to the air, something Naruto didn't expect.

"Nice place." Naruto complimented. Naruto thought of his home, and how he really needed to clean the place up.

"It's not the best, but it'll do." Gaara said.

"So," Naruto said, "I guess your jutsu is based off sand, right?"

"Yes." Gaara replied.

Naruto scratched the back of his head. "I'm still working on some things, but I do have a cool jutsu."

"What is it?" Gaara asked.

Naruto grinned, and made some sort of hand gesture that was unknown to Gaara.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto yelled. Suddenly, the room was full of Naruto's.

"What is this?" Gaara asked, looking around, trying to find the true Naruto.

One of them snickered, "It's the shadow clone jutsu. Pretty neat, right?" 

Gaara nodded his head. "I suppose. Is this all you know?"

All of the clones suddenly disappeared, until only one Naruto was standing. He looked a bit ashamed, but he still smiled, as his hand scratched the back of his head.

"As of now. What about you?"

Gaara shook his head. "I couldn't show you the jutsu I possess. It's too dangerous."

"Dangerous?" Naruto asked.

"I don't show compassion on my enemies," Gaara said bluntly, "If an enemy decides to attack, I show no mercy."

Naruto's eyes widened. "S-So... you... kill them?"

Gaara shrugged his shoulders. He didn't answer the question. Instead, he said, "It's too dangerous to be tested on you."

"Then... how're we going to some up with something together if you can't show me your jutsu?"

"We will think of something," Gaara said, "We have a week to come up with something. I'm sure we'll pass."

Naruto was curious.

"Can't you show me something?"

"There are no enemies near by." Gaara only said.

Naruto crossed his arms. Gaara only sat there, looking at Naruto, who was still standing. His eyes glided over Naruto, giving his body a quick scan. Naruto noticed this, and it made him feel a bit uneasy.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" Naruto asked.

Gaara didn't mean to, but Naruto looked so lovely, as the light shone off his face. Those damn dreams were running through his head again, and he was all alone with Naruto. It was hard not to think of things.

Dirty things.

"Nothing," Gaara said, looking down at the floor, "I didn't mean to. Just, the way the light is shining on you, you look beautiful."

Naruto's eyes widened. "What do you mean beautiful?"

"You know what beautiful is." Gaara said. "Don't play dumb."

Naruto wasn't sure what to say. He could feel his cheeks were heated up. He had never been told he was beautiful before. Well, he had never been told anything like that before.

Naruto giggled. Just like a girl.

"I... I guess I better be heading back home..." Naruto trailed off, his cheeks still red.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that." Gaara sighed.

"No, no, it's alright. It's just that it's getting late. I have to get ready for school again tomorrow."

"Do you want me to walk you? It could be dangerous after dark."

Naruto shook his head, and put a smile on his face. "I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow!"

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