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"Even that warm scent
Becomes faint on this night
Shall we lean on those memories we long for?
Close your eyes."

"Loneliness may seem permanent," Younghyun said, adding a log to the fire, "But it's really not. All it takes is the perfect person,"

"Oh?" I propped my elbow up on my crossed legs, "Is this another one of your imagination challenges?"

A smirk formed on his pink lips. "Maybe,"

"Pray, tell, how can one be perfect if everyone is imperfect?"

"You sound the Kiwon I first met," he chided, bumping my nose with his sooty fingertip, "Imagination, love,"

"Tell me again,"

He cleared his throat, sitting in the chair across from me. "Loneliness may seem permanent, but it's really not. All it takes is the perfect person,"

I sighed. "Oh really? Tell me, how do you know when you've found the 'perfect person'?"

He smiled. "When they understand you and you understand them,"

My eyes flicked up to the ceiling, and I let out the softest sigh. "Does that mean you are the perfect person?"

A chuckle. "Not yet. I will be when I understand you the full way,"

"Are you sure you'll ever understand me the full way?"

"Not really," he admitted, his eyes turning into half-moons.

"No, I don't think the perfect person exists. But you're about as close to perfect as I'll find, and I don't mind. I'm glad we found each other."

His smile didn't fade as he poured some tea for the both of us. "I agree," he set my mug in front of me, "But I think you're closer to perfect than I am,"

My eyebrow bounced up. "I really don't think that's true,"

"Well, I do," he said, stirring cream and sugar into his drink.

"Well, I respectfully disagree with you,"

"I disagree with your respectful disagreement,"

"Excuse me?"

He pinched my cheek endearingly. "Excused,"

I scoffed, hitting his hand away. "Shut up,"

"No, I don't think I will,"

I poked my tongue into the side of my mouth. "Are you purposefully testing my patience?"

"That's quite possible," he sipped his tea, his eyes the only facial feature I could see.

"Sometimes I wonder how I fell in love with you," I shook my head.

"Speaking of 'love'," he made air quotes, "I never gave you a kiss."

"Is that some sacred ritual to mark your territory or something?"

He sputtered. "I- what!? Excuse me, if you're so smart, how do you not know what kissing is?"

I giggled, pushing his shoulder. "Of course I know what kissing is! But I'm not in a romantic enough mood for a kiss, even though I was expecting one tonight,"

"Is that why you dressed so cutely?" he asked, referring to my mustard sweater with too-long sleeves and my extra soft leggings.

"I guess," I shrugged, "I just knew you liked when I wore sweaters,"

"That's because when I hug you, it's so much warmer and softer. Plus, I can bury my face in your shoulder and it's very comfy and cozy,"

"You," I jabbed my index finger at him, "Are the cutest human,"

"Why thank you, m' lady," he mock-bowed.

I sipped my tea with a barely-suppressed grin. He was such a goofball, so different than what everyone I know thought I would fall for. He hummed to himself as he looked at the interior of the room.

"You're right," he said, sighing after a sip of warm tea, "This room is truly lovely in the wintertime,"

My lips quirked up. "Of course I'm right. I have spent almost every winter of my life cooped in here for most of the day, almost every day."

He closed his eyes. "What will it take for you to be in a romantic mood?"

"The perfect song," I replied, shifting my injured foot in the slightest.

His eyes opened right up. "I know just the one,"

He pulled his phone out and selected a soft love song. I knew immediately what it was, and I smiled as I set my mug down. I felt his hands pulling my legs up from the couch I laid on, and I allowed him to sit me up. Ever-so-slow was my ascent to my feet, but he didn't mind, standing patiently with his signature sparkly smile as I rose with much effort.

"Younghyun, how will we dance when my foot and ankle are broken and my shin is shattered?"

I never worried about anything when he had a certain look in his eyes like he did now. "We'll manage,"

He slowly lifted my leg to wrap around his waist, and soon followed my other. I let the weight of my injured leg rest on my good leg and I had my arms around his neck. His one hand supported my backside and his other laid against the small of my back, and we began to move. Well, he did, anyway.

Onto the open balcony we floated, even though it was early winter and definitely below freezing. The song had started over at this point, which was fine by us because it meant more time for dancing.

"This is the weirdest dance I've ever danced," he admitted, his forehead against mine, "But it's cute. Like you,"

"Not as cute as you," I replied, bumping my nose to his.

I was so close to him that I could hear him swallow before he posed the question, "Kiwon, may I kiss you?"

"You may," I breathed, letting my eyes flutter shut.

Soft, tender, silky. That was the first thing that crossed my mind as his lips touched mine with gentle, subtle movements. My breathing was surprisingly calm as he pressed more into the kiss, applying more pressure to my lips. I could feel him smiling against me, and I couldn't help but smile in return. This ended up in us both giggling like children as he held me and I stared into his eyes. Oh, his eyes. The eyes that held a heavenly shimmer in reflection of stars. The eyes that gave me the sweetest glow of affection. The eyes that were gateways to galaxies of love and genuineness.

"Kiwon," he said once he finished laughing, "I think I can truthfully say that was the best kiss I've ever had, and that I am fully in love with you,"

"You know, Younghyun? I believe I could say the same,"

the end.


10,723 words. done. :)

i'm so proud of myself. i'm proud of this story. i'm proud that i finished. i'm proud of the development, the dialogue, the descriptions, the plot, and the characters.

i'm also so incredibly thankful for my friends on wattpad and my family, who encouraged and supported me through it.

i'm thankful for A5H-I5LANDsxnna-, and YVESQUE for reading my story and giving amazing feedback and funny comments to make me smile.

i'm thankful for my silent readers who don't give feedback or votes, but at least give my book a chance and read for a bit. i appreciate you, quiet ones!

and i'm thankful for my younger sister, who doesn't have wattpad but always gives feedback to my stories. thanks bub♥

thank you, and stay tuned for the reflection!

love, your dearest llama♥

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