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"Maybe this is crazy 
Crazy just to wonder
Wonder if there's someone
Meant for you. "

Fiddle. Fiddling all the time. Mother always told me to keep my fingers still, but I was nervous, so I did what I did best; I fiddled.

The tip of my index finger ran up and down the length of the opposite pinky finger, my tension not going away in the slightest. I had absolutely no clue why I was so nervous, but here I was, practically a mess. Scratch that, I was a whole mess. Only on the inside, however. On the outside, I was the perfect angel my mom raised me to be.

Tap, tap, tap, tap. My feet joined in on my hands' nervousness. The softest sigh made its way through my parted lips. Not knowing things made my anxiety the size of the Empire State Building.

"Kiwon," I jumped up, turning to look at my mother, who smiled at me, "They're here. You know what to do."

I smiled weakly, nodding. She gave me an approving look. She then left the room to greet our guests. I went over the charming smile I would give to the boy I was supposed to entertain while my mother made a business deal with his father. I recited the potential sweet greetings effortlessly in my mind, praying I wouldn't mess it up.

My mother came in smiling. "This is my daughter, Kiwon. She'll keep you company. Won't you, Kiwon?"

Instead of waiting for me to respond, she continued hurriedly. "Kiwon, this is Younghyun. Take care of him, okay?"

With that, she pushed the boy gently into the room and practically slammed the door behind him. I blinked spastically, my mind turning into pudding as I took him in. He was gorgeous- nothing like I had imagined. He had sharp yet fine features, with an enrapturing stare and an almost dazed beauty. It took all my willpower not to swoon right then and there. I cleared my throat as he studied me. His eyes snapped up to my face.

I tried to give him a warm welcome, but instead, I said, "You are the most beautiful human I have ever laid eyes on,"

He looked mildly surprised, his eyebrows raising in the slightest, while I had my hands slapped over my mouth. I squeaked out an apology, fully embarrassed and ready for death.

He merely smiled, stepping toward me. "You wanna know something? I've heard that before. Though, not when we've just met,"

I blinked multiple times. "Pardon?"

A broken chuckle left his lips as he brushed a bit of hair behind my ear. "I mean, people have told me that after they know me better. Well, they word it differently, but they all have the same intention. Though I expect yours was an accident."

I nodded, swallowing nervously at the close proximity. To my relief, he stepped back and examined the room.

"It's very white," he noted, walking toward the fireplace.

I began to fiddle again. "It's my favorite color,"

"Technically, it's the lack of color," he replied.

I felt the slightest stir of indignance at that. "You should come when there's snow outside. It practically glows then."

He smiled, and I noticed how radiant his face got when he did. "I enjoy winter. My birthday is in winter."

"As is mine," I said, keeping up my formal, polite pretense.

He walked up to me, giving me a nudge. "Stop being so nice to me."

"Excuse me?"

"You're only doing it because your mom asked you to. Be real with me, please? I would rather get to know Kiwon than this silly act,"

Something Out of Nothing | k.yh ✓Where stories live. Discover now