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"I'm on my way to find you, yeah,
I'll hold you tight so you won't cry
Even if I'm on the off-road."

The days that followed Younghyun and my trip were packed with preparations for the grand party my mother was holding in celebration of her new business partnership. We were using our ballroom- a room we rarely entertained in- which meant she expected a large amount of company. Currently, I was being fitted for the 'perfect dress' as my mother put it. I stood, half-dressed, in front of my mirror as the servants rushed around me with too many dresses to count, all the while with my mother laying on my bed and determining whether or not any of the dresses worked. So far, none of them had met my mother's criteria for the 'perfect dress'. She dismissed dark blues and dazzling greens, threw away brilliant scarlets and deep purples.

"Kiwon, tell me, darling, what do you want to wear?" she asked at last, "Nothing seems to please me. Maybe what you choose will,"

"Mother," I turned to her, taking her hand, "The color or style doesn't matter to me. I just want you to be happy,"

"Sweetheart, go and look at our selection. If one stands out to you, please try it on!"

I laughed at the hint of desperation in her voice, and even she cracked a smile. "Sorry! I needn't worry, right?"

"Right, mother," I kissed her head and went to search for a dress.

There were almost too many, which baffled me because I already tried on so many. My fingers played with the fabrics of each gown, trying to find one that I actually liked. At last, my eyes found a white tulle dress with pale pink lace flowers speckling the bottom and the bust. I pulled it off the rack and held it up to see it better. It came off the shoulder, with thin, flowy, tulle sleeves that would dance with each movement. I smiled, knowing that it would be so obvious for me to choose a white dress, but I did it anyway. I walked it to my mom, and she immediately cooed.

"It's darling! Oh sweetie, why didn't I have you choose sooner?"

I giggled a little. "You don't think it looks too much like a wedding dress?"

She shook her head. "No, it's very lovely. I think it will look lovely with your glowy skin."

I smiled gratefully at her compliment. My mother had a way with words.

The servants were back and fitting the dress to my body shape, and all I could think of was how I would only dance with Younghyun tonight. I bet he would be wearing an ebony tuxedo with a dinner bow tie, his hair combed back, and I smiled.

"Child, what are you daydreaming of?" my mother asked, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Hmm?" I hummed, "Oh, just thinking about tonight,"

A scoff. "My daughter, smiling while thinking of a party? Who are you and what have you done with Kiwon?"

"It's not the party that's exciting me, it's the thought of seeing a friend," I replied, my smile widening.

I saw her quirk an eyebrow in the reflection of the mirror. "Oh? And I assume you mean Younghyun?"

My face gave it all away. "I assume you're correct,"

"He's quite handsome, isn't he?" she commented, "And such a kind smile!"

"He's very lovely, mother," I replied as my corset was tightened, "But I must ask, is the corset necessary?"

"I shall be wearing one," she said, "But I suppose you don't have to wear one,"

"Thank God," I sighed as the torture device was removed from my waist, "I'll actually be able to eat,"

Something Out of Nothing | k.yh ✓Where stories live. Discover now