13.Nachos With Ketchup

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"You bitch. You asshole bastard who pronounces ass like arse!"

"I don't do that..." Cole exclaims.

"Yes you do! Why the hell did you have to do that? Lying to your mom? Really? That's a new low, even for you."

"Alyssa I..."

"Don't Alyssa me you bitch!"

"Stop calling me a bitch Alyssa." Cole pouted.

I had called Cole to come to my office and he obviously came, bounding like a lost puppy-frickin 2 and a half hours early from when we were set to meet- thinking I wanted to talk about our relationship. Pfft no. I wanted to talk about how that bastard lied to his mother and stuck me in the many web of lies.

"Then don't fucking lie to your mother Cole! Why would you fucking do that? Why didn't you already tell her?"

"You said you didn't want to talk about this."

"No, I said I didn't want to talk about this right now. That was in the car a day ago. This is today. And we are going to talk about you lying to your mother about our relationship for years."

"Fine...I'm sorry okay. I should have told her. But she would never talk to me had she known that you and me had gotten divorced. She would have disowned me...especially after everything I did to you. And I also didn't want her to worry, she's already so sick Alyssa, this news would've killed her."

I take a deep breath thinking about everything he said, processing. Especially the last bit. Yes, Cole was a coward who couldn't function if his mother never talked to him. Yes, he was a bitch no matter how much he objected to it but this wasn't about him being stupid and not telling her, this was more. This was now about Rosa's health.

"So...what are going to do. Are you going to tell her?" I asked him after.

"Do you want me to?" He looked at me intensely.

I sighed, "No, I don't think you should tell her. Not now anyway. Not if she's in such a bad condition. I don't think we should tell her. Ugh you psycho, now I have to pretend to be all lovey dovey with you every time we meet her."

"Thank you so much Alyssa. You don't understand how great and kind hearted you are."

"You certainely didnt." I scoff.

We both go quiet for a while. Just thinking. How could have today been if Cole hadn't been a jerk and not divorced me? Would we still be happy? Would we still be in love? Would we have had a ch...

I suddenly get up, not wanting to think about my crooked life and how I still could imagine a 'what if...' future with Cole. Especially after all the things that had happened to me.

"Well is that all?"

"Well...I did bring us lunch..." He says gesturing to the bag of Chinese takeout in his hands.

Mmm Chinese. I absentmindedly lick my lips, smelling the aroma of the food.

No Alyssa stay strong! Food is great but eating with Cole is worse.

"I already had lunch." I lie with all my willpower.

Cole frowns at me, "No. I know you. You never have lunch unless your forced to have lunch."

"Uhm...uh...Henry forced me today. Right Henry?" I call out knowing he's been listening to our conversation this whole time.

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds, hoping I won't be able to tell that he's not listening.

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