09. part 2 If Only I Knew

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It's officially confirmed.

I'm going to die today.

Universe... You know what I don't even know what to say because I'm going to die soon.

All I know now Universe, is that I'm going to die a painful death by the hands of my ex husband.

Who would have thought it would have come to this?

"Why the fuck did you bring me to your mansion Cole?" I snarl, trying to contain my fear of dying. I mean who wouldn't be afraid to die?

I give him my deadliest glare. If looks could kill, he'd be 6 feet and two inches under the ground.

I prepare to get out of his car and make a run for it but Cole reads my face and quickly locks the door.

"Wha- hey! Why'd you lock the door? Unlock it right now!"

"Will you at least let me explain why I've bought you here?"

"Fine why not. I totally want your voice to be the last voice I hear before I die at your hands." I mumble.

A frown etches on Cole's face,  "You think I'm going to kill you? You really thought I was going to kill you?" Cole says quietly. He then starts chuckling. Chuckling!

I look at him confused but he just keeps on laughing.

"You still have the craziness I love."

I freeze at his statement.

He seems to realize what I said and runs his hands through his beautiful dark locks.

Wait...beautiful? No very ugly, oily, and horribly smelling dark locks. That sounds right now.

"Alyssa look, I can't deny my love for you. No matter how much you hate me or like me or, or if you feel any emotion towards me, I can never deny my love for you."

His darkened eyes look like a storm brewing in the ocean waiting to strike any sailboat passing by, they have so much raw emotion that it scares me. It scares me that he loves me and wants me back, it scares me that I remember all the times we spent, it scares me that I still might have some feelings for him.

No, no,  no Alyssa. I chide myself.  I can't be thinking rhese things about an ex husband who didn't trust me and horribly dumped me!

"Stop it Cole! You can't say things like that. There is nothing between us now and there won't ever be again. I'm only sitting here in this car with you because I care about your mother a lot and she would never do what you did to me

He sighs as he looks at me pained. "I'm-"

"No, I don't want to hear it! Just turn this car around and take me to Rosa!"

"That's what I was about to say. My mother stays with me now. She-" He choked back a sob and continued. "She said that she wanted to spend her last moments w-with her family."

I nodded, tears filling my eyes, but I kept them at bay as I willed myself to ask him more questions.

"Now that she stays with you, what-what did you tell her about me not being there?"

Cole scratches the back of his neck nervously. "I told her you were away on a business trip and you'd be back soon."

I look at him confused. "How does she know I work and how'd she accept that excuse so easily?" I question.

When I married Cole, I had a degree in business but didn't pursue a career since at that time I wanted to be a housewife. Now, I would never give up my career for anything.

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