Chapter 6: Berk

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(Not much fighting in this one sorry)

Issei and his friends landed on a rock in the middle of no where just water as far as the eye could see.

Issei: What have we gotten ourselves into?

Tannin: I don't know but theres many dragons power signature to the east.

Issei: Why so many over there?

Tiamat: Don't know how about we find out?

Issei: Sure let's go!

Issei and his friends began flying towards the dragon they were feeling many dragon signatures Tannin was excited to meet many other dragons but of course their way was block by heartless already looking for battle but what pissed Tannin and Tiamat was they dare take the form of a dragon!

Issei: Guys you're scaring me...

Tiamat: Destroy them!

Tannin: Dare use my species as your own i'll destroy you!

Issei: *sigh* Alright lets do this Alan and Elen!


Issei pulled out scale mail armor instead of his kingdom armor while wielding his pure Ultima and his bloody Ultima and began fighting the heartless unknown to the group they we're being watched from not too far away by a guy riding a dragon.

???: Stop! What are you doing!?

Issei: Dude I don't know who you are but you might want to get out of here you don't know what these creatures are.

???: It seems to me you are hurting dragons!

Tannin: Ok listen well these aren't dragons they are different type of race that can take the form of anything right now they may seem like dragons but trust me they are not i know what a real dragon is and i'm sure your dragon friends there can tell the difference too.

The random guy looked at his dragon who was growling at the heartless ready to fight himself.

???: Alright than when this is over mind giving me an explanation on what these are and most importantly how you three even have wings!?

Issei: Uh-

Tiamat: I don't see why not if this guy is able to tame a Night Fury he can be trusted in my book.

Tannin: Huh been a long time since i've seen your kind.

Issei: You know these type of dragons?

Draig: Partner these type of dragon exist in your home world as well just they are hidden deep in the ocean we can meet them one day if we can find our way there

Issei: Sweet!

The fighting continued with the random guy helping them in battle having his dragon shoot them out the sky with this breath attack while Tannin and Tiamat took them out with their bare hands Issei just watched and felt completely useless as they were basically handling everything right now.

Issei: Huh note to self don't make real dragons made with making fake dragons...

Draig: I mean technically you are a fake dragon until the transformation is done

Issei: Wait what?

Draig: Yeah remember in that Madagascar place to awaken the kingdom balance breaker form sort of had to turn your heart into a dragon heart so you are still evolving so that's what you are getting stronger almost every minute.

Issei: So I will basically be half dragon from now on?

Draig: Yep.

Issei: Well dang that's pretty cool.

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