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I make sure Minho is looking at the right thing and then I look at it. Engraved in the stone wall is the words, 'HAVEN' and underneath are, 'THE END IS NEAR' .
Minho looks at me for a second and then says "C'mom Greenie we got work to do"
"But-but my names on the shucking wall Minho!" I shout at him.
"I realised Greenie, but we have a whole day of running ahead of us and that right beside the doors so we can look later"
I nod and follow him.
The whole day consists of running, lots and lots of it, except I wasn't tired.. I wanted more.
Minho lead me through the maze, left, right , left, left, right, right , right and left until we stopped and had a bit of lunch.
"You're doing pretty well, for a girl Greenie" Minho says jokingly.
"As if you've seen a girl run in the maze before Minho, don't be so sexist" I answer.
He laughs,a quiet laugh, bends down to tie his shoelaces and begins to run again.
For the rest of the day I follow him around and he takes down notes that I don't even see him take down,he tells me some facts about the maze and I just run and listen.
" Have you ever tried climbing the ivy?" I ask.
"Newt he - uh I mean yeah we have.." He answers with a string of pain coming through his voice.
I dismiss it as I know he didn't want me to hear it.
When we reach the openings of the walls, Newt is there to greet us. I stop in front of the engraving of my name, it's not there. I stop Minho but he pulls my arm free and yanks it, telling me to stop. I turn around dazed and see a blurred smiling Newt standing in the same place.
"You did it Greenie" he laughs, " You survived"

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