Chapter 4

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A/N: Major time skip warning. It has now been four years since Shoto was in the LoV

POV Shoto
  "Hey babe, does this look good on me" screamed Deku from the bathroom
  "Not at all" I reply in a joking way. We had been together for around two years now. It never seemed as long as it actually was. We would spend hours and I mean hours on end just cuddling in my bed.
  I had died the white part of my hair black so that I don't stand out to much. I was lucky Dabi had some extra hair die on him or I would be screwed. My cat was still going strong.
  Today would mark Five years on testosterone and gender shit. Midoryia and the rest of LoV accept me.
  Dabi has been "found out" as Touya and we now make jokes about it all the time. His boyfriend (shigi) really likes to make fun of him when his roots are showing.
  Immediately Dabi gets up and goes to the bathroom to fix his roots in the mirror. He changes his staples out as he does so, gotta keep the staples clean of infection and stuff.
  Midoryia plops down beside me in the bed
"You're an asshole" he said cuddling into me. I reply with a "I know" as he continues to cuddle into my chest.
  I start running my fingers through his hair soft green hair as he lays there. He is so cute like this.
  Izuku had risen to the top since I got here so have I. Izuku is now leader of LoV and I am the apprentice. I love working beside him watching him work as he try's to take down Endeavor (the new number one).
  I kiss Izuku's forehead and then get up to change. I went to the bathroom to change into my binder, a black torn up shirt, a half red half black hoodie, torn black jeans, some chains, and black gloves.
  I walk out of the bathroom and say "Babe, get up we gotta get breakfast." He eventually gets up. He hugs me before we walk out the door. We walk down the hallway with my arm around his shoulder. Izuku is shorter then me. I'm 5'9, Izuku is 5'5.
  We walk to the bar and get some cereal. We continue being lovey dovey. Dabi likes to joke about are lovey dovey relationship whilst he sits cuddling with Shigiraki on the couch. He's a major hypocrite when it comes to this stuff.
  "Hey, got any news on the number one hero" I say talking about Endeavor
  "Nah, he's still alive being an asshole"
  "Well shit, I swear one day I'm going to kill him, after everything he put us through and he's still going." I was pacing behind the couch looking at the news.
  "Not for long little bro, not for long, ain't you and that little boyfriend of yours working out a plan for him" I stopped pacing and looked Touya in the eye.
  "Ain't you and your little boyfriend the ones that did many failed attacks on U.A. while I was there" I continued my pacing.
  "I swear to god if you weren't my brother you would be dead by now"
   "I know, that's exactly why I mess with ya big bro, you won't kill me for it"
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, go back to your little boyfriend he looks lonely over there without you for two seconds like that"
  "Same for you big bro" I go back to Izu still eating his breakfast.
  Once he's finished we go back to our room. All the way at the end of the hallway. I take off my binder in the room. "Shit, I got to stop wearing my binder for stupid reasons like eating breakfast." I didn't want to say it out loud but I did. "Why don't you just wear your binder outside of the base. Instead of insider the base so you aren't wearing it for stupid fucking reasons" said Izu. Yeah that's true. I put on a sports bra and a big oversized shirt.
  Izu was on the bed when I laid down next to him. We spooned and cuddled for a long time until izu fell asleep on my chest. This was his favorite position, head on my chest while I run my fingers through his thick curly green hair. It was soothing for both me and him.

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