First Mission Part 7

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Sting's P.O.V.

I carefully dodged the falling pieces of wood and metal as the roof came crashing down. I lost sight of Kurth due to all of the falling debris, but that didn't matter so much at the moment. I was more concerned about not getting squashed. That would be a rather pitiful end for a guild master.

I manage to survive the ceiling's collapse with nothing but a thick sheet of dust coating my body. I shake it off and quickly check my surroundings to discover the absence of Death Hood's guild master.

"Don't tell me he ran off!" I groaned, extremely irritated."The little chicken! Now I have to find him all over again!"

I sniff the air, attempting to catch his scent, but instead inhale a bunch of dust. I sneeze and cough, trying to get the unwanted particles out of my nose. Finally, once it's all out, I quickly check my surroundings to ensure myself that nobody saw the embarrassing display. I sigh in relief when I see that I'm all by myself.

But seriously, where is their Guild Master? 

There was no way he could have gotten far with the roof caving in, but it was obvious that he wasn't in the same area as me anymore. Where could he have gone?

The boom of thunder makes me turn my head up the sky. That's when I see the giant storm cloud swirling over the guild hall. It starts to rain, and I put a hand over my eyes. I suddenly notice a flash of bright orange hair against the dark sky. Of course. Kurth was a storm mage. Where else would he be except in the storm he created?

He vanishes from my view as I try to figure out how I'm going to take this guys down. Damn. I wish Lector was with me, he could fly me up to Kurth. Oh well. I can do this on my own. 

Suddenly, lightning shoots down from the sky, coming right for me. I quickly jump away from the spot I was standing in, and I could almost taste the electricity from the bolt. I look back up to see that Kurth is flying in the middle of the cloud. 

He sends another lightning bolt at me, and I retaliate with a roar. Due to the distance between us, he easily avoids my attack. I need to get in closer.

I hear his voice faintly over the winds, casting another spell. 

"TORNADO FLASH!" Instantly the winds pick up and take the form of a whirlwind. I see Kurth stretch out his arm, and the twister makes its way toward me, demolishing everything in its path. I hear frightened yelps and screams as some of his mages get swept up into the swirling vortex.

Is he insane? He's destroying his own guild! Hurting his own mages! I grit my teeth as I feel my anger and frustration rise. I have to get him somehow, but at the moment, he's too far away for me to really fight.

So how do I get up there? It's too high for me to jump, no structure that I can climb on, nothing but a crumbling guild hall and a giant tornado headed my way.

I watch as another mage from Death Hood gets sucked up into the twisting funnel, screaming as his body soars through the air... Wait a second...

I think I know how to get up there.


Lucy's P.O.V.

My grin grew wider as I watched the dark mage's expression when she realized her attack had no effect on me. The woman gaped at me, completely shocked at my survival.

"I... impossible!" she stuttered, raising a finger and pointing at me with disbelief. "You were done for! I took your keys! You should be dead!" 

"You shouldn't overestimate your abilities, and you definitely shouldn't underestimate mine," I state as her eyes grow wider. Aquarius's magic pulsed through my veins, providing comfort and strength. The faded tattoo on my collarbone regained it's original intensity. In the corner of my eye, I saw Aquarius's key glow the beautiful blue I had long associated with the spirit.

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