First Mission Part 3

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Author's Note

Here's another update for all of my readers! I want to thank everyone who takes their precious time to read my trash, it really makes writing this worth it. I hope that the story is good, this is my first fanfiction and I'm trying really hard on it. Please let me know what you think! Enjoy! :)


Lucy's P.O.V.

"As you could probably tell, we are in desperate need of help." The mayor stated, his sorrowful gaze on us. 

"And we are here to provide it, sir." I comforted, giving him a small smile. I saw a spark of hope flash in his eyes, and he sat across from us. He looked at the ground and back to us again before he continued.

"Our troubles started when the dark guild, Death Hood, moved in. At first, they left our town alone, because they were too busy obeying Tartaros. But once they were destroyed, Death Hood turned its sights on us." Yukino and I exchanged looks before focusing back on the Mayor.

"They burned our houses and took our children. We tried to fight, but it was no use." He choked out, fresh tears running down his face. "They come and attack at random. We don't know where their guild hall is."

"What do you know?" Sting questioned.

"I know the leader of Death Hood is a man named Kurth. He has orange hair and yellow eyes. I believe he uses storm magic." The mayor informed us. "Also, he has his guild mark located on his neck." 

"Do you know anything about the other members?"Rogue calmly asked. The mayor stood up and walked to his desk, pulling open a drawer and lifting a stack of papers out.

"I've tried to keep track on the members of the guild, along with their looks and powers." He handed the papers to Sting, who started to go through them. "I'm sorry that I don't have any photos of them, but I tried my best to describe them."

"This is better than nothing." Sting replied. 

The next question came from Yukino. "Sir, if you don't know where the guild is, do you have any suggestions or information that can help us locate it?" He thought for a bit.

"I suppose you could find some of the members at Tengon City, which is a few hours away to the east. It's a big city, so that's probably why Death Hood hasn't tried to terrorize them. I don't know how you'll find them, but I'm confident that many of Death Hood's members spend their time there." 

"You said something about Death Hood taking the children of the town?" I asked. 

He nodded. "About two weeks ago, Death Hood came and attacked the town, and took all of the children in the town. Along with defeating the guild, I want you to rescue the children. I sent out the request before this attack happened, so if you manage to bring them all home safe and sound, I'll happily double your pay."

"How many kids are there?" 

"13. The children's ages all range from 6 to 14 years old." I nodded my head and looked at my teammates. From the looks in their eyes I could tell they were ready to do this. We stood up.

"Is there anything else we should know?" Sting asked as we headed towards the door. The mayor walked up and handed each of us a map of the Erich and the surrounding area.

"This might come in handy. Also, one of the children is my granddaughter, so please, bring them back to us." 

"We will." Sting promised. With that, we left the house. We all looked at each other.

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