Chapter nine

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A few weeks had passed since I had given life to my two sparklings, they had earned the names Honeybee and Firefly. I adored my sparklings and Bumblebee spent his free time helping me teach them the human language as predacons are born natural speakers of our native language, Megatron hadn't caused much trouble but the dark emerging was starting to bother my circuits with its aggressive behaviour. The sound of a door opening shook me from my thoughts, looking up I noticed Optimus had found his way here.

"Good morning Optimus, is something the matter?" I questioned, it was a rare thing for him to come to me instead of me find my way to him.

"Nothing is wrong Tempest but I do wonder if your sparklings are old enough to start learning to defend themselves, Ratchet keeps complaining of their bored chewing of his tools," he chuckled, I let out a soft purr of amusement.

"They are young but I don't see why not, but I must always supervise their training," I warned, he nodded and turned to leave. Heaving myself to my feet I followed him towards the main bay where my sparklings were chasing the much smaller humans around, Ratchet watched them with his usual studying stare but it was always amusing when he gave into their pleas for more energon.

"Bee Optimus and I are taking Honeybee and Firefly our for some simple training, we will cal for you if backup is needed," I cooed through our spark bond, the small scout turned his head and nodded before gesturing towards me for the sparklings to follow. With large bounds they followed as we headed through the ground bridge to a nicely hidden area, looking around I allowed my sensors in my nose to scan for any energon signals but thankfully none were picked up.

"Alright I want to see if their ability to transform has come to them yet," Optimus instructed, Honeybee turned her blue eyes to mine and I nodded in approval to do as he said. Firefly tensed his black and purple wings which quickly began fold and shift until he stood in a nicely formed bot mode, Honeybee fluttered her black and yellow wings excitedly as she followed her brothers lead. It brought joy to my spark to see them so happy, if only the decepticons could stay away forever then I could have a peaceful life with my little ones and Bee.

"Carrier did you see us!? We transformed!" Firefly boasted, I nuzzled them both gently pride swelling in my spark.

"Yes I did my little sparklings, now try transforming back and I will teach you some fighting moves," I putted softly, both sparklings giddily transformed back before following me into a slightly clearer spot. Turning to them I noticed Optimus scanning the area before turning his gaze back to us, I opened my muzzle to speak but a new energon scent filling my nose caused me to crouch above my sparklings and growl giving Optimus all the information he needed. A sudden crashing of foliage and a hard force ramming into my side sent me flying, landing with a thud I leapt to my feet to see Predaking and two of his pestering clan. Snarling I charged knowing all to well he would be after my sparklings, sparklings at this time of the war would be valuable at luring out its carrier and sire and I wouldn't put Bee in trouble because of a stupid mistake of leaving the base, lowering my head I rammed into Predaking as he was leaning down to grab Firefly as the young sparkling tried to defend his sister. Sending the large predacon mech flying I returned to my protective stance over my young, Optimus was busy battling with a few bots who had arrived with the predacons which meant I was alone in this three versus one.

"Take the sparklings, they will be of much use to Megatron," Predaking snarled to the two predacons near him, my spark was pounding in my chassis and the soft cries of my sparklings were sending my mind into a frenzy. Snarling I sent a blast of hot fire in the direction of the predacons catching the three off guard, before I could even move on charged past me and barrelled into Optimus sending him crashing into the ground before being pinned beneath the heavy mech. At that moment I knew there was a hard decision to make, I could save Optimus or save my sparklings. Predaking and his remaining predacon began to stalk towards me and I braced myself to defend my little ones, letting out a hiss I lashed out with my claws almost catching the predacon across the muzzle as it leapt backwards out of range. Predaking swung his head and latched his fangs into my leg causing me to screech in pain before he dragged me forwards and threw his weight down on my back, snarling in agony I turned my head to see as Predaking and the predacon swapped places before Predaking grabbed Honeybee by the neck and dangled the helpless sparkling in front of my helm like a piece of scrap. Firefly latched onto Predakings leg but the larger mech ignored him, a ground bridge opening caused my spark to sink when my eyes locked onto the large grey and purple mech as he strode forwards with a menacing step.

"How interesting, a predacon having a scout as a spark mate, take them through the bridge Predacon, your clanmember won't be able to hold her for much longer," Megatron chuckled darkly, a burning sensation began to burn through my body as the dark energon reacted to my anger. In a final attempt to save my little ones I thrashed about wildly throwing the predacon from my back and charging after Megatron and Predaking as they vanished through the ground bridge as is closed, skidding to a stop I gave a wild cry of grief and anger. Megatron had taken my sparklings from me, in my grief I failed to notice the predacon snaking it's way towards me. It's claws dug deep into my side but I took no notice, when it saw it's fun was over it turned and gave a soft snarl to the mech it had come with and both took off to who knows where. My energon felt cold and my spark felt broken, who knew what Megatron was planning to do with my sparklings but whatever he did it was never good. Soft footsteps approaching me did nothing to cause me to turn my gaze from where my little ones had vanished, a soft hand upon my side caused me to flinch.

"I am sorry Tempest, Megatron could not have chosen a worse time to arrive, I promise you I will do everything I can to free your sparklings," he promised, I simply nodded before the sound of another ground bridge opening and the rushing of many footsteps caught his attention.

"What happened!?" Arcee fretted, Bee was at my side in an instant knowing all to well that my sudden change of mood was never a good thing. Optimus began to explain to the others what happened while I zoned out, Megatron was going to pay and his spark was going to be extinguished the moment I could lay my claws on him.

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