Chapter six

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The sound of many voices caught my attention, I didn't dare open my eyes in fear of the punishment I would receive.

"Hey her vitals are picking up, but what I don't understand is how she got dark energon in the first place!?" Came the usual cranky tone of Ratchet, I felt myself relax slightly knowing I was safely with the Autobots.

"Hey Ratchet she's waking up!" Miko giddily pointed out, with a huff I opened my eyes to look at the ones around me.

"How do you feel?" Ratchet questioned softly, aside from the ringing in my helm I felt fine.

"Fine I guess," I groan as I shake my helm trying to rid it of the ringing sound, a gentle servo began to rub between my eyes and I felt myself relax further as I lowered my head to the ground once more.

"How did your energon change from regular energon to dark energon?" Ratchet continued to question, I winced remembering the painful process.

"I was forced to stay still as Megatron ordered it to be injected into my systems, after that I managed to escape before something shot me down," I explained, at that point Optimus Prime came around the corner.

"If Megatron is behind this than we must be careful, his spark has been fused with it a lot longer than yours has so he has the greater control should he try anything," the red and blue mech warned, we all nodded as BumbleBee continued to rub between my eyes. We all sat in silence for a while before allowing ourselves to relax, slowly closing my eyes I allowed myself to slip into a state of recharge.

**Time Skip**

The sound of giggling caused me to stir slightly, I also noticed a strange lightness to my spark but ignored it as I opened my eyes and lifted my helm with a yawn. Shaking my helm to clear it of sleep I noticed a rather deep in recharge Bumblebee leaning against my side, not wanting to wake him I looked around hoping to find someone to help me. The sight of the old medic Ratchet walking around the corner made me grow anxious, the small scout must have drifted off not long after I did I hope.

"Good morning Tempest," he greeted eyeing me over curiously, I motioned towards the sleeping scout with my helm and he raised a brow of suspicion.

"He must have fallen asleep trying to keep me calm, Ratchet help me please!" I begged softly making sure not to wake Bumblebee, we both sat in silence for a moment when the slightest movement from the yellow and black scout caused me to tense. Looking down at Bumblebee I noticed his confusion as he sat up and looked around, looking back at Ratchet he seemed to be almost studying us.

"Bumblebee follow me for a minute, I need to check something," Ratchet beckoned, with a glance at me he stood and followed the old medic down the hall and out of view. Something about letting the small bot out of my sight had me worried, looking down at my chassis I noticed my spark emitting a faint glow through it so curiously I allowed it to open. The moment I did so a sharp pain shot through my body causing me to hiss in pain, a pained beeping down the hall told me I wasn't the only one dealing with this strange occurrence. The sound of many small footsteps told me those small humans were nearby, lifting my gaze from my pained spark I looked at the small creatures who had worry and fear in their eyes.

"Are you alright!?" Raph fretted, I opened my jaws to speak only for a pained hiss to come out as I recoiled from another shockwave of pain.

"I..... don't...... know......" I managed to snarl as I clutched my chassis yet again, without thinking I stood and began to slowly make my way down the halls in search of Ratchet. Upon pushing my way through the door I collapsed and the pain began to ease at the sight of Bumblebee, Ratchet helped me stand and soon we were both sitting at seperate ends of the room confused but alright.

"I can't say I've ever seen this before, I've seen something similar but Predacon's are so much more different to normal bots, hmmmmmmm," he seemed to mumble to himself before he began to type away on a console, looking over at Bumblebee I felt relieved to see he was alright. Shifting into my bot form I felt much more at ease and sat against the wall to keep myself balanced should the pain return, looking back over at Ratchet I noticed he had pulled some files of Predacon's up on the screen. The more he looked it over the more I realised what he was researching, looking down at my chassis I then turned my attention to Bumblebee before returning my gaze back to Ratchet.

"This old medic is such a strange mech," I thought to myself, a strange look from Bee had me thinking I said it out loud.

"Oh no I said that out loud, I'm such an idiot,"

"What is going on? She's not speaking but I can hear her," came a strange voice, looking around I noticed no one new in the room and my gaze turned to Bee who seemed as shocked as I was.

"Can you hear my thoughts!?" I mentally screeched, this had Bee wide eyed.

"I'm as startled as you are," Bumblebee replied back, we both looked at Ratchet who seemed to be holding back a chuckle.

"You both look like you just discovered sight for the first time, but the pain of being separated and confused comes from what all cybertronians call Spark Bonding, it's rather confusing to me how a scout mech and a Predacon's sparks bonded to such a length after being in two different ages, granted yes Tempest does seem to be the very last original Predacon ever born but it doesn't explain the spark bonding," Ratchet pointed out, I noticed Bee give me a rather astounded looked while I sat in pure shock.

"So you are saying he's my spark mate?" I question half to myself, the old mech nods and I feel dizzy all of a sudden. Taking a deep breath I allowed the information to sink in, from what I grew up learning this wasn't going to be the greatest of times about to hit us like a burning ship.

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