Who you're thankful for

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Steve Rogers
Your father, uncle Bucky, aunt Nat and Peggy

Tony Stark
Your father, pepper and uncle Bruce

Bruce Banner
Your father, uncle tony and Natasha

Clint Barton
Your father, aunt Natasha

Natasha Romanoff
Your mom, aunt Wanda, uncle Clint

Thor Odinson
Your father, uncle Loki, your grandparents, Valkyrie

Peter Parker
Your father, MJ, Ned, May, tony and happy

Bucky Barnes
You father, uncle Steve, sam

Loki Odinson
Your father, uncle Thor, your grandmother and grandfather, heimdall

Peter Quill
Your father, yondu, the guardians

Wade Wilson
Your father, Vanessa, colossus, negasonic, weasel, domino

T'Challa Udaku
Your father, aunt shuri, okoye, your grandmother

Stephen Strange
Your father, Wong, Christine

Scott Lang and Hope Van Dye
Your father and mother, your sister Cassie, Antony, Luis, Kurt, your grandparents

Carol Danvers
Your mother, aunt Maria, goose, uncle nick, Talos, Monica

Eddie Brock
Your father, venom, Anne

Wanda Maximoff
Your mother, your uncle, aunt Natasha, Clint

Pietro Maximoff
Your father, your aunt, Clint

Your mother, the guardians, aunt nebula

(Young) Charles Xavier
Your father, Hank, the X-men, Erik

Scott Summers
Your father, the X-men, Jean

Logan Howlett
Your father, the X-men

Peter Maximoff
Your father, the X-men, your grandmother, your aunts

Raven Darkhölme
Your mother, Charles, the X-men

Your mother, Bruce, Thor, the grandmaster, Loki

Sam Wilson
Your father, Steve, Bucky, Natasha

Nick Fury
Your father, Natasha, Maria, Carol

Phil Coulson
Your father, Nick, Maria

Maria Hill
Your mother, Natasha, carol, Nick, Phil

Jessica Jones
Your mom, the defenders

Luke Cage
Your father, the defenders

Danny Rand
Your father, the defenders, Colleen

Matt Murdock
Your father, the defenders, foggy, Karen

Frank Castle
Your father, Karen, the defenders

Reed Richards and Susan Storm
Your mother and father, your uncle Johnny, Ben

Johnny Storm
Your father, aunt Susan, uncle reed, Ben

Ben Grimm
Your father, Johnny, Susan, Reed

Quentin Beck
Your father

(Young) Erik Lehnsherr
Your father, the X-men, Hank, Charles

Hela Odinsdottir
Your mother, your grandmother, Fenirs, your grandfather

Tandy Bowen and Tyrone Johnson
Your mother and father, evita

Johnny Blaze
Your father, your grandfather, Carter, your mom

A/n: this is who your thankful for since thanksgiving is soon :)

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