Reporters 💧 Tony/Happy/Peter (request)

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Song: Imagine Dragons

Imagine; you're walking around a mall when a bunch of reporters show up and you get ambushed with questions.

'Okay so...what is it that you wanted to do here?' You ask as you and Peter sit down at the table.

'I thought that maybe you wanted to do some shopping, get some food that isn't microwaved...'

'and this is supposed to be better?' you ask referring to the cheeseburger laying in front of you.

'well..its not microwaved and that's the point..' he replies making you let out a small huff. you lean back and cross your arms.

'Why are you watching me and why do I get the feeling Happy put you up to it...'

'He didn't...well he asked but I was planning on doing it anyway, I wanted to do something nice for you, get you out of the gutter..'

'excuse me?' you reply giving him the famous ''Stark Brow''.

'I-I meant get you out of your room...and the house...and the neighborhood...' he explains he starts eating his food.

'I do have to admit, I may have hid away for quite some time now...I just..I guess I don't want to face the one thing I always feared ya know?... and I also have to give this cheeseburger some credit because this tastes not as bad as I thought it would'

Peter smiles at you and you give him a pathetic version back, he can see everything is still hurting and honestly, it's the same with him, but he has been dealing with it instead of trying to run away. You on the other hand locked yourself away in your room and pretended you were fine.

'I know it's hard, when I first went out on patrol...I came across a bunch of art and well, it're not alone, you know that right?' he asks and you nod.

'you've got me...a-and Happy...and the team...Pepper...Morgan...they all care for you and they're all concerned about you... so how about we make a deal...'

'I'm listening...' you bite the inside of your cheek.

'Every week, you can choose the day, I take you out of the house...and we go out and do something fun..'

'what's the catch?' you ask taking another bite out of the cheeseburger.

'there is no catch...well maybe that you can't pick what we're doing..'

'well Mister Parker, that sounds like a pretty good deal to me...' you chuckle as you stick out your hand as a joke.

'I don't do something that immature... Pinky Promise...' he says and you laugh before changing the hand to just your pinky.

'very're so good at adulting..' you smile at him, a genuine smile.

'I know right?, maybe I'll do taxes next..' he jokes and you both laugh until it hurts.

You start to feel more relieved somehow, genuinely laughing and joking all day long with your best friend, the one person that truly understands you other than your dad. Someone who didn't give up on you when even apart of your family did.

You have a long history of addiction, first to alcohol and then to something even more addicting that you'd rather not mention to anyone. Your dad didn't want to see you until you were completely sober, it was a time of complete radio silence between the two, the only person that really reached out every time was Peter, that's part of the reason you accept the deal you two just made, as a way to repay him, by showing him that you're different from a few year ago. But somehow that relieving feeling you're having right now, won't last long. The longer you look at the people around you, the more anxious you get. And there's a good reason for that.

'Peter... does that guy seem suspicious to you?' you ask and he looks you straight in the eye and nods.

'I saw him follow us, decided not to tell you because that would spoil all the fun, but I feel like we should go..'

'he has a camera..There's people walking to him....he's pointing at us...we have to!' you breathe as you grab your things.

'okay...just keep breathing, I know a way out where they can't follow us..' Peter says leading the way.

'It's too late Peter....' you gasp when you see the large amount of reporters looking at you.

And once they spot you it's over, they all come running for different kinds of answers to their questions.

'Y/ does it feel to take over your fathers company?'

'I would like to go please, you're blocking the way...' you reply as you try to walk past them.

They gather around even more and you again see no way out, which is fine by you, but then they do something that makes you incredibly mad. They push Peter out of the way making him stumble and fall to the ground, bumping his head against the floor.

'LEAVE ME ALONE!' You yell silencing them.

'I just lost my father okay?, and you're ambushing me with questions and blocking the way!'

'Calm down we were just trying to ask some questions the people have for you...'


You rush to Peter when they're all in shock of your outburst, you help him up and ask him if he's okay, he nods.

'I want you to leave me alone until I tell you it's okay to ask me questions...don't you understand that I might not want to be questioned about everything right now?, I have enough on my plate as it is...' you turn to the whole group behind you.

Your tone is stern but also full of emotion, somehow the tone makes the reporters think about what they're doing because they start leaving one by one.

'Pete are you sure you're okay?' You ask as you press the cold and wet rag against his head.

'Yeah, Listen I'm sorry about taking you into the mall, I didn't know they were gonna be there but...still...if you want to get out of the deal I understand...'

'You backing out on me now Parker?, no way...I wanna do things, go out of the house every now and then...with you...'

'That's nice to hear but-'

'I don't think those reporters will be back anytime soon...I think I scared them off pretty good..'

'Yeah...' he chuckles.

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