Just how?

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Shion POV
I was introduced to my new office and holy it was so big and organized. I then looked at the giant window and immediately remembered when I opened the window for Nezumi. I smiled at the thought and sat in the chair and looked down at some paperwork. Guess I don't have time to get used to this place, I already had work to do. I groaned since I had to do something. I put it aside and went to get some hot chocolate. I came back with my hot chocolate and sat back down and stared at the papers again. It was mostly on how to rebuild No. 6 and make sure it doesn't turn out like the old No. 6. I immediately thought of what Nezumi would want. I looked at some papers and it was suggestions on how to rebuild it. My biggest idea was to build a nice forest in the middle of the city. I also wanted the wall taken down completely and make the West Block people have a place in No. 6, even if they don't like it. But people can still be bad, so I still need to have a prison place, but it won't be as bad as the Correctional Facility. I'm now just realizing how much work this will be. Great.

Nezumi POV
The forest is still as beautiful as ever. I sigh. Only if Shion was here. Ack! Stop thinking about him again you stupid- gah. I held my robot rat in my hand and admired it. "I won't completely leave you alone Shion" I smiled and put my rat down and layer down on the grass and just stared at the sky.

Karen (Shions mom) POV
"I should open a new bakery" I sigh. I now realize how much responsibility Shion now has. But I trust him to make everything better. I take a glove off of my right hand and looked at it. It was very pale and my veins were clearly visible. I sigh again. I can't let Shion know, it would break him. I look at a paper I got from a hospital. I have some disease that no one knows about since it's very rare, seeing it's progress they think I might die. This is too hard to bear and think of Shion. Shions friend left so if I'm gone Shion will have no one. I make myself some tea to try to get my mind off it. "I'm sorry Shion.."

Nezumi POV
I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about something. Something about Shion. I try to shake off this feeling and focus on the clouds. How long will I be like this? How?

457 words
Sorry this was short again, but at least we have some angst so I have ideas.

I will wait for you.. |Shion x Nezumi|Where stories live. Discover now