Chapter 6: The Kiss

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It was the day before Homecoming, Stella felt the butterflies everytime she sees Kyle Davidson and he would smile at her or wink.
Auggie and chuck both noticed her blush and stare At Kyle Davidson. "Hey, what's up with you and Kyle? You've been blushing all morning Stella, what's up?" Auggie asked with confusion until his boyfriend interrupted him. "No way! Did Davidson pop your cherry!" Chuck says with excitement.
"No! Well....Umm we kissed yesterday." She says with a dark blush forming on her cheeks, "well look at you go, when?" They asked with curiosity.
Stella immediately changed the subject, "how's Ruthie after the break up?" She asked.
"She's still upset about it, but hopefully she'll be alright, I heard Milner's already messing around With Pamela Wolverton, and Her sister." Auggie said.
"Milner is such a horn dog." Chuck says with disgust. "Seriously There's no jock in this town that's loyal to their other halves besides Kyle." Auggie said.
"You picked a good one stella." Auggie says with a smile, "I'm happy for you." They said.
"I also decided to go to homecoming with him tomorrow night, and I'm nervous but I'm so excited." She says as she started blushing again.
"We are going together too, yeah I was messing with you stella, we are dating...."
Stella rolls her eyes and giggled, "I knew you guys were and I'm happy for you two, you two are meant for each other." She says with a smile.
"I knew you both were faggots." Tommy said with a snicker. Alfred looked at him angrily. "Oh don't look at me like that, pussy!" He growled out.
Alfred stares at Tommy's ass as he rolls his eyes at the two boys and he swaggered away from them towards their history class, with Mr. Troy.
"That's one nice ass." Alfred thought to himself as he swaggers in the classroom along with Kyle.
Kyle sat down beside Stella and waved at her
She waved back and smiled at him as he pulled out his phone and texted her. "I had fun last night." 💕
Stella looked up from her phone, and blushed
She soon types back, "I gotta study."
Kyle rolls his eyes and types back, "how rude."
Stella giggled at him and continued to work.
Kyle watched Stella while she studied for their history quiz, he continued to think about their kiss and he smiled softly, "who was he kidding it was perfect.
"Davidson, are you paying attention?!"
Shit! Have I been staring at Stella this entire time...
"Stay after class, Davidson." Mr Troy sighed.
Mr. Troy's boring voice brought him back to his senses as the class dragged on. Kyle glanced back at Stella. Her eyes were focused on her work, though they seemed magnified through her yellow square framed glasses, sighing as the class ended and everyone filed out while he still sat at his desk waiting for Mr. Troy.

Mr. Troy gestured him over to his desk. Exhaling Kyle stood up and walked over to his desk. He ran a hand through his hair as Mr. Troy started talking.
"Kyle, I know you were staring at Miss Nicholls, instead of studying for your quiz, if you keep up with this I'll have to move you with Mr. Steinburg." He said. "Now do you want that Mr. Davidson."
Kyle shook his head quickly, "no sir, I was paying attention sir, I wasn't staring at Stella I was just uh.....spacing out.." he said with a confused face.
Mr. Troy sighed and gave Kyle a pass, "just don't stare at her anymore, it looks creepy."
"Sir it's more creepy that you are staring at me while I was staring at Stella." He says with a confused look again.
"Umm okay, have a good rest of your day Kyle."
Kyle shrugs and left the classroom and he saw Stella waiting up for him with her friends.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, just Mr. Troy being annoying as what's new?" He asked as he went to his locker and threw his books in before slamming it shut.
Stella shrugged, "I picked a dress for tomorrow."
Kyle smiles for what seems like the first time today, "great, I can't wait to see you'll look beautiful." He says as he gave her a quick peck on the lips before heading towards the gymnasium for class.
"Awwww" they Cooed as Stella shoved them away from her. "Oh shut up." She giggled.
Stella happily walked over towards Ruth as she put on her makeup for her rehearsals for the play
"Aw ruthie, you look beautiful."
Ruth smiled and continued to put on her mascara
"Thanks Stella, so what's up?"
Stella stood their uncomfortably until she finally spoke. "Kyle asked me to homecoming, and I was wondering if you could be able to do my makeup?"
Ruth squeals with delight. "Aw!! Stella that's awesome honey! I'm so excited for you!!! Aw!!"
She squeals again as she hugged Stella. "Of course I can honey! I'm so excited for you! Aw!!!"
Stella smiled back at Ruth until they were interrupted by a group of boys. "Hey, you got a date for homecoming Ruth?"
Ruth looked up at the boy with a blush, "no, I don'" She asked as she stares at him.
"You?" He said as he stroked her cheek making her blush. Stella smiled at Ruth. "Say yes!!"
"Yes!" Ruth squealed.
The boy smiled as he kissed Ruth's hand. "Sounds like a plan Ruth, I'll see you at 7 tomorrow night."
Stella squeals with delight for Ruth.
"Omg! I can't believe Scott Wolverton asked you to Homecoming!!"
"Aw congratulations Ruthie!" Both chuck and Auggie say as they hugged Ruth.
"I'm so excited!!" She squealed.
"For what?" Kyle asked as he hugged Stella from behind. Stella jumped up and he smiled at her. "Easy it's just me." He giggled as she started to calm down.
"Jeez! You scared me!" She shrieked.
Ruth smiles at the couple, "Aw!!! I ship it!"
"So what are you excited for ?" Kyle repeated.
Ruth and Stella smiled happily, "Scott asked me to Homecoming!!!" Ruth squealed again and Kyle soon was furious. "He did what!!!!!!!" He shrieked.
"What's so bad with it kyle?" Stella replied with confusion, what are you talking about?"
"Ruth you can't go out with Scott Wolverton, you have no idea how much that'll piss off Tommy." Kyle said as he started to calm himself down.
"Why? They're all jocks so it will be fine."
Kyle shook his head at the girls, "no it won't be okay Ruth! It's not gonna be okay!"
Soon they saw tommy and he was his usual self "he doesn't seem pissed Kyle, he's fine he's with Pamela." Ruth says as she grabbed the rest of her books and walked away.
Kyle looked at Stella, "make her change her mind she can't date him, she really really can't date him."
"Why? Why can't she?" Stella asked in confusion.
Kyle looked at Stella nervously, "here, follow me."
He says as he pulled her into an empty classroom
"Tommy always hated Scott since they were little kids Stella, Scott always got everything he wanted, literally everything, Scott and Pamela always got everything they've ever wanted they're rich and greedy people Stella, and Scott was angry that he never got the Quarterback Position, he's held a grudge on Tommy ever since then, and now Stella now he has something that tommy had and that definitely won't sit well with him, it doesn't even sit well with me either, I can't stand the sight of Scott." Kyle says. "I don't want him near you or Ruth, we clear?" He said. Stella nods her head before giving Kyle a hug which calmed him down some.
Stella hugged Kyle and she gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Okay, I'll stay away from Scott."
"Thank you." He says as he pulled her into a hug and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

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