Chapter 4: The Homecoming Game

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November 2nd,1968
Mill Valley, Township High

It was a busy week for the Mill Valley Tigers, they have practice, Monday- Thursday to get ready for their upcoming game against the Hawks.
Milner was definitely ready, he was fast on his feet and he never missed a pass ever, he always won.
Kyle was their Tight End, while Alfred was the Kicker. Calvin always wanted to be a kicker ever since he was young. Stella smiled as she and her friends passed by the field. Kyle saw Her from afar and smiles as he waved at her. "Hey!"
Chuck and Auggie both stare at Stella like she was on drugs. "What's up with you and Davidson?"
They both asked with confusion.

Stella shrugs. "It's complicated."
"What do you mean? Spill the beans Stella."
Stella sighed as she took a seat on the bleachers, "So I Umm....I kinda like Kyle..."
Chuck looked at her with horror, "are you nuts?"
Stella looks At him with confusion, "what?"
"Kyle is another big douchebag! He helped Tommy and Alfred string us up by our underwear up on the flag pole!"
"He's different, I can't understand it but he loves me, and I love him too." She said.
Chuck sighed and stared at the grass for awhile until he finally spoke again. "Okay, as long as you are happy we're happy." He says as he smiled.
They sat down next to stella and watched the rest of practice.
Ruth was happily squealing as tommy ran a touchdown.
"That's it Milner!" The coach yelled.
"Yeah!!!" The huddle  of seniors shrieked as they cheered on their Star Quarterback.
Kyle & Alfred headed onto the fields to practice.
Alfred practiced kicking field goals, "you kick like a girl!" Tommy yelled out with a smirk.
"Fuck you!"

Tommy spots Stella At the bleachers with her friends, he smirks as he chucks the ball straight towards Stella.
Kyle saw it and he jumped up and caught the ball with one hand, throwing it back at tommy knocking the wind outta him. "Milner's Down!"
Kyle jogged over towards the bleachers, "you guys alright?" Stella looked at him with shock written all over her face, he just saved her...
"Um... Stella?" He says as he waves his hands up in her face, "earth to Stella?" He said.
Tommy shakily got to his feet, spitting out the fake grass, he threw the football at the coach and ran towards Kyle, "you fucking prick!"
"Davidson! Look out!" Auggie cried out horrified.
Kyle spins around and tackled tommy to the ground, pinning him down.
"Stop fighting me Tommy, I'm bigger then you." He says as he held tommy down, "get off!"
"Say you'll leave Stella alone."
Tommy shook his head, "no! You aren't the boss of me!" He snarls as he kicked kyle off him, cracking his knuckles, breathing aggressively.
"Tommy, please stop!" Ruth cried out as she grabbed his wrist, spinning him around to face her.
"He started it!" He yelled out angrily.

"If you stop messing around with Stella and my brother and Auggie, We can makeout in your car as long as you want." She says as she pushed a strand of his sweaty hair out of his face. "Really?"
She smiled and nods as she saw the smile on his face, and the joy. "So after practice?!!!"
"If you promise me that you'll leave them alone."
Tommy looked at the three kids sitting on the bleachers and back at Ruth, "deal."
Ruth smiled as she made her way back to the bleachers as they continued their next play.
Stella smiled at Kyle as she watched him, he was also very quick on his feet too.
Alfred continues to kick the balls through the goal post, making all of them.
"Alright boys, hit the showers!"

"Let's go girls!" Tommy snarled as he made his way over towards Ruth. "Hey." He says with a smile as he pulled her into a passionate kiss. "Ew! Don't kiss me when you are a sweaty mess!"
Kyle walked over towards the fence and Stella smiled as she rose from the bleachers, "you saved me, why?" She asked as she smiled at him.
"He was being an ass on the field and I care about you stella, and I can't have you hurt." He says as he smiled at her softly. "Alright, I gotta go shower I'll catch you Three later, pizza?" He asked.
"Oh wow, what are we chop liver?." Chuck whined. "Stella you gonna ditch us!" Auggie whined.
Kyle looked at them smiling, "you two can come too, just Umm don't make it awkward." He says as he smiled and jogged over towards the rest of his teammates towards the locker rooms.
"Well, I got to admit it stella, Kyle's pretty cool."
Chuck says with acceptance. "I'm happy for you." He says as gave her a hug. "Yeah... same." Auggie says as he shifted awkwardly in place.
Chuck smirked and jabs Auggie in the ribs, "he's more dreamier then you." He mocked.
"Shut up!" Auggie yelled as he chased chuck around the track fIelds.
"I'm gonna kick you in your throat!" Auggie yelled out. "Ha! You gotta catch me first, clown!"
Stella rolls her eyes as she waited for Kyle to get done showering so they could hangout.
She saw Tommy walking out in his Varsity jacket, carrying his duffel bag.
He wore way too much cologne Stella made a face of disgust as she smelled the cologne.
Ruth walked over and he pulled her close to his chest, "let's go." He says as he and Ruth walked towards his Pontiac Catalina.
"He g-got it fixed." Stella yelps
"Oh shit!" They groaned out horrified.
Auggie soon spotted Kyle walking towards them, wearing his usual, varsity jacket.
"You three ready?" He asked as he shakes his hair out of his face. "Let's just walk, Tommy's not gonna give me a ride home so...let's just walk the restaurant isn't that far from my house, let's go." He says.
Stella smiled and followed him as did the others, they passed by Milner's Catalina that still was parked in the lot, with the lights turned off.
Tommy pulled her into his lap, planting soft kisses on her neck.
A rapping on the car window made them both jump. Alfred, of course was leaning on the top of the car and grinning at them like a moron.

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