Chapter 2: The Prank

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After Lunch ended, Auggie headed towards the boys washrooms until a large hand grabbed him. "So,Hildebrandt I heard you like the American flag." Tommy muttered with a evil look on his face.
He looks at the three jocks with fright. "I-I-I didn't mean to insult you tommy, I'm really really sorry."
The three Jocks stare at one another before lifting Auggie up by his jeans, "Let's go, Uncle Sam."
"No! Tommy! Please do- Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"
They snicker once Auggie was strung up on the flag pole, in his boxers, humiliated.

"Sing it Hildebrandt"
Tommy says as he pulled out a camera, "come on Hildebrandt,sing!" He laughed out with a smirk.
"Tommy, please I can't feel my butt! It hurts."

"SING IT, Faggot!" Tommy yelled again.
Auggie nervously started to sing with terror
"I-I-I pledge allegiance to the flag of United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
"See now that wasn't that hard."  He muttered.
Tommy circled around the flag pole, smirking maliciously at Auggie, "Girls, get chuckles up here,
Hildebrandt needs a pole buddy." He laughed out.
"No! Come on Tommy, let me go!" Chuck cries out as the Jocks dragged him towards the flag pole. "Don't, please!" The jocks ignored his protests and pleas as they lifted him up, hoisting him on top of the flag pole alongside Auggie, in his undies, squealing like a little girl, flailing his arms around, "let us go! Get me down, now!" Chuck cried out!

"No, not until I hear you two sing, the plague of allegiance together, go on faggots, speak up."
"Aw come on! My ass hurts, man!" Chuck whines.
"Sing." Tommy whispered, staring up at chuck with a grin.

"I..." Chuck whines.... "pl...."
"What!" They asked with a snicker, recording the entire thing, chuck started mumbling half the song, humiliated.

After what felt like hours, Tommy finally called it.
"Alright girls, let's go the bell is about to ring." He said while grinning with satisfaction.
"Happy Halloween, Faggots"

"Tommy! Come on man, my ass Hurts!"
"Well that's too damn bad." He replies with  a grin.
They looked at one another before calling out for help. "Help us! We're stuck up here."
"Hey! Tommy-!" They yelled out, both dangling up on the flag pole, in their boxers.

Stella grabbed her bags and headed out of the building to wait for Auggie & Chuck until she heard howls Of laughter from the main entrance.
   She gazes up at the flag poles and saw Auggie & Chuck strung up by their boxers, "Stella! Get us down from here please! My ass hurts like you wouldn't believe!" Chuck yelled.
    "Was this Milner!" Stella screamed!
   "Yes! And those other jerks!" Auggie whines as he flails his arms around, "please get me down!!"
      "Hold still guys, I'll get some-"Hey little freak."
  Tommy said. Smirking as he looks up at the flags.
   "Well you know these two are very patriotic." He laughed out, as did Alfred. Kyle looked at his boots, shifting around uncomfortably.
     "Tommy get my friends off the flag poles now!"
The three jocks turned around to face her, "Oh yeah?" Tommy says arrogantly.
    "Don't you know that My dad is the sheriff of this town Tommy, he'll arrest you three in seconds!" She threatened them, crossing her arms satisfied.
    "Ooh, did you hear that Tom?" Alfred asked. "The Freak just threatened us." He laughed out. Tommy chuckled along with his friend while Kyle didn't.
    Tommy glides over towards Stella, "I'm so scared."

  "You should be, now let my friends down."
Tommy steps closer towards her making her flinch, he pushed a strand of her hair out of her face.
     "You should watch yourself, Freak."

  Kyle looked up from his boots, "Tommy let's just go." He said as he grabbed his wrist.
    "Shut up Kyle." He growls out, yanking his wrist away. Kyle stood and watched with slight hesitation for Stella, she's been their target since day one.
         "You know...alright I guess I'll help your dork friends, don't get use to this kind gesture Nicholls, it's only because it's my birthday & Halloween so don't think I'll be more helpful after tonight."
                  "Really?" She breathes out.

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