Chapter 6

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I leaned over on Nikki and she stood up straight. She put her hands on my chest and pushed me away from her playfully.

"Does the cowgirl not like this?"

"No, i never said i didn't like it. I'm home." She smiled.

"How bout that date?"

"Sure." She blushed then gave me her number.

"See ya tomorrow night cowboy." She whispered in my ear than kissed my cheek.

"I'm holding you against that cowgirl." I winked then slapped her ass as she got off. CC woke up and got off his bunk.

"Who was that?"

"My cowgirl." I blushed.

"That voice sounded familiar."

"It is. Its that girl that came to the meet and greet like 2 nights ago."


"She cuts too..."

"You act like you're just figuring that out now. You don't remember when she pulled up her sleeves?"

"I remember, but I thought those were old ones.."

"Well they're not, if you can't take it, break up with her."

"No," she opened her house door and waved at me "I can't leave her alone." I waved back. She walked into her house and I laid back down on my bunk. I pulled out my phone to watch porn, but something tells me that she was all the porn I needed.


"YOU'RE WHAT??!!" Lily screamed in my ear. Ash didn't leave me off home. He let me off at Lily's.

"Calm down Lily!" I laughed "I'm just going on a date with Ashley." I turned at her vanity, touching my make up up.

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU! YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE THEM!!" She growled with fury and hatred.

"Exactly! I don't like them!" I clarified


"STOP YELLING!" I screamed "I'm playing a little game." I smirked

"You're playing him?"

"No... Maybe... I'm just testing him."

"By 'testing' do you mean 'teasing'?"

"Kind of. I'm seeing if he only wants sex, if he does, I'm leaving him."

"And if he doesn't?"

"I'm still leaving him. I can't date him!" I lied, I so would, I guess I'm just a little scared. Well what girl wouldn't with a reputation like that?

"You're an ass!" She snapped.

"What?!" I hollered

"What if he likes you? You're fucking with his emotion's!" She stopped "Lord knows you hated it when Seth did that to you.." She said quietly. I glared at her then got up and walked towards her bedroom door.

"Go fuck yourself!" I yelled. I slammed the door and walked home. I began crying and breathing heavily. Soon my breathing became hitched, I no longer looked before I crossed the street, because I didn't care anymore. Why would she bring him up?!

"Hoonnnnnnkk!" A loud noise cane from the side of me. I looked over and saw BVB's tour bus. I saw Ash run to the windshield and his face went blank. I didn't want him to see me like this. I pulled my hair in front of my face, and began walking away.

"Nikki!" He called. You could hear him get off the tour bus. I walked a bit faster but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest roughly. I looked down so he couldn't see me.

"Babe what's wrong?" Did he just call me babe? I melted at the thought of this then remembered Seth. I broke down crying! I cried so much I collapsed to the ground and Andy ran out too.

"Nikki! What did you do Ash!"

"What do you mean 'what did you do'?! I did nothing!"

"Just stop please.." I cried silently

"No what's wrong?" Ash said to me. I looked up and saw Lily walking out to me.

"Leave me alone you fucking bitch!" I yelled at her.

"You have a lot of nerves you bitch!" She screamed at me. I stood up and got in her face.

"What makes you say that?"

"You know exactly what I mean!" She barked

"Fuck you! Seth has nothing to do with this! Want to play dirty? I'll play dirty! What about Mike and David?" Her eyes widened.

"You trollop!" She clawed at me and I grabbed her hair and began pounding her face in. I loved Lily but she knows where my boundaries were. Ash grabbed my waist and began pulling me off of her and Andy grabbed my arms.

"Where's your son?" I pinched. As they finally got me off of her.

"Nikki! That's enough!" Ash yelled at me. I kicked him in his stomach and he let go.

"If you were smart, you would go home right now and never show your face to me again!" Andy grabbed my arms and pulled me away.

"Jinxx!" Andy called. He walked out.

"Help her home." He nodded and Jake came out too. They grabbed Lily and helped her home. CC was helping Ash up and I finally calmed down.

"Who's Seth?"

"None of your business!" I snapped.

"Please tell me!" He pleaded "What the hell just happened?" I started crying.

"I'm sorry." I said then began walking to my house so I could catch up on my friend. My blades.

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