Chapter 5

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"Sorry about your face." He frowned.

"Its not your fault.."

"I know but I can feel bad."

"Okay. Thanks for your sympathy.." My nose and lip finally stopped bleeding but my eye still hurt like hell. I let out a long yawn and Andy got up.

"I have to go to the store, I'm going to grab stuff for your eye."

"You don't have to Andy."

"I insist." He chuckled then flipped his long black hair to the side. He was amazing. His skin so pale and smooth, his hair so soft. He was perfect. So is Ashley but he is a dick.

"Okay." I put on a fake short smile then he left the tour bus. Ashley came in and sat next to me wearing nothing but some boxers and a cowboy hat. Yep, he is sexy. I grew tired and I began to droop my head.

"Is someone tired?" Ashley smirked

"A little." He scooted closer and I rested my head on his shoulders soon falling asleep.


    Although this girl hates Black Veil Brides, she was beautiful. I usually never really used that word accept for when... I really never called a girl beautiful. I always called them sexy or hot. I felt different about her. Of course I wanted her to moan my name in bed while I pounded into her, but I also wanted to call her mine. She was something. A phone began going off and I thought it was mine, it was a country song ringtone but it was actually the girls. She likes country music? Damnit... I had to make her mine, but she would never. I slowly reached into her pocket but I was jabbed instantly. When I pulled out there was blood on my finger. I looked inside her pocket and found a razor. So red from blood. I couldn't bare myself. I pulled up her sleeve cautiously and found scars on her arm. I was scared to look anywhere else. She jolted awake when Andy opened the door.

"Im home." Andy smiled warmly. He looked at me and his face went blank.

"Here is the stuff for your eye.. What's you name?"


"Beautiful name." He said charmingly

"Thanks.." She blushed. I have to admit I was a little jealous.. Maybe a lot but I only care about her problem.

"Maybe you should put it on your eye now." I anticipated. She looked at me with her dark blue eyes.. Well eye. She got up and went over to the bathroom of the tour bus.

"Are you okay bro?" Andy asked me.

"She cuts." I whispered

"What?" He whispered back. I motioned my hand across my arm to represent cutting and his face went pale.

"Really?!" He tried to whisper but it was too hard anymore.

"Shhhh! Yes!" I showed him my finger that was pricked by it.

"Shit!" He mouthed then grabbed his head.

"What are we going to do?" I asked

"I dont know! We have to help her though!"

"No shit!" I snapped. I looked out the window, it was getting pretty dark.

"We have to take her home soon. Its 9:00."

"I know. Should we just talk to her?"

"Not yet we will scare her away!" I snapped. I didn't want to loose her.

"Well when?"

"I- I wish I could answer that. We just need to hang out with her."

"She hates us."

"Well I guess I'll have to hook up with her." I winked

"Why do you get to hook up with her?"

"You just got out of a bad relationship with Scout. Remember?"

"That was like 2 weeks ago."

"Too bad. I saw her first." I stuck my tongue out and went into the bathroom with her.

"Hey Nikki."

"Hey Ashley." She smiled. 'Damn she is smoking' I thought.

"Thanks." She blushed.

"What?" I asked

"You just told me I was smoking." She giggled

"I said that out loud?" I was embarrassed.

"No shit cowboy." She smirked

"Well this cowboy wants to take you out on a date. Tomorrow night?" I leaned against the wall.

"I'll think about it." She teased. "Can you take me home now?" She asked.

"Yea sure. Where do you live?" She went to the bus driver and began telling him the directions. She leaned on the front of the bus panel giving me a nice view of her ass. Andy just slumped on the couch and soon fell asleep. I put my arms on her waist and she let out a little moan under her breath.

"Does that turn you on cowgirl?" I smirked

"Not as much as it turns you on cowboy." She giggled. I pulled my hand onto her ass and she bit her lip. This was going to be a fun ride home.

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