Chapter 2

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   Why can't my life be easier? I woke up and my eyeliner was everywhere on my face. This wasn't because it comes off at night this was because I ruined my friends experience. I wa- am an asshole. I went through my dresser and pulled out my blade, my only friend that understood my life. I pierced my skin then slowly dragged the blade across my arm allowing the blood to seep out of the cut. My alarm clock went off and I got up getting ready for school, yay... Another day of being told I was emo and a whore. It was my 12th grade year so I only had to put up with this shit one more year, honestly, I don't think I can. I threw on a shirt and skinny jeans with my knee high converses. Lily began messaging me.


"Hi..." I didn't want to talk to her at this point. I felt like I failed her in some sort of way.

"Wanna ride to school?"

"No I'm gunna drive myself... Thanks Lily." I got into my car and began driving to my school. This was going to be hell. I didn't want to hear Lily go off about this... She never knew I cut. I arrived and got out of my car, making sure it was locked. I walked into school and Lily walked up to me.

"Hi." She said meekly

"Hey Lily." I replied awkwardly

"About last night i-"

"Don't start Lily.."

"I'm not! But we are friends! Why didn't you tell me you c-"

"Shhhhh!" I hissed "Don't say it out loud!"

"Fine!" She barked then dragged me into the bathroom.

"Why didn't you tell me you cut!"

"I didn't know what to say!"

"'Hey I need to talk to you Lily I cut!' That's all you needed to say and I would've helped you Nikki!!" She pleaded

"Its not that easy! I can't believe you're doing this to me right now Lily! You're supposed to be my frien-" I was interrupted by a girl that I despised (Megan) walked into the bathroom with her fake bitches on her side.

"Eww its the skank!" She hissed and the girls giggled behind her. I looked down and pushed the hair that was in front of my face behind my ear. I walked past them but she grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" She smiled demonically.

"To class." She squeezed my arm right where my new cut was and I couldn't help but squeal.

"Ouch! Let go!" I screamed. She just laughed and I had no control of what I was doing. I clawed her in her face and she grabbed my hair. She pulled me down and began pounding on my face. I screamed bloody murder then a teacher ran in to pull her off of me. I grabbed my bloody nose then the teacher escorted Megan and her friends to the office. I looked in the mirror and wiped the blood that was gushing out of my nose. This was my everyday life at school but I usually didn't get into fist fights all the time. I fought plenty of people in the past, girls and guys. I always fought back an won a lot of them but Megan is someone I don't deal with. I'm not scared of her its just that she always starts shit with me and I'm sick of fighting with her.

    I cleaned up my face until I stopped bleeding and I looked at Lily.

"Are you okay!" She exclaimed as if she never saw me fight someone.

"Just a scratch.." I said then went off to class.

   When lunch was over I was called to the office.

"Nikki Shae please come to the office, Nikki Shae to the office!" I walked down casually.

"Hello Nikki, what happened this time?" He pondered, i was always in his office.

"Hi Mr.Devers. I really don't know why she went off this time.." I lied

"Are you sure dear?" He questioned suspiciously.


"We can do this all day Nikki. What happened?"

"She grabbed my arm roughly and I told her to let go, but she didn't so I scratched her."

"You could've called for help."

"I did, sort of."

"Well I hope you can go a day without me seeing you in my office."

"Yes sir.."

"Why did you get defensive when she grabbed your arm?"

"She was holding on tightly.."

"Or because you have something on you arm," my heart sank to my stomach. How did he know? "Megan told me about the conversation between you and Lily." That bitch!

"Can I be excused?" I said lowly

"Say no more, I'm going to let you go. But I would like to tell your mo-"

"Please don't tell my mom!" I whined

"Too late, I already called her." He said and I began hyperventilating. I wanted to kill Megan, literally kill her.

"You are dismissed." I ran out the doors and the bells rang for us to leave school. I spotted Megan in the crowd and fury flowed through me. I didn't even think before I walked up to her and kicked the back of her leg, just so I could watch her fall to the ground.

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