Chapter 9

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Finally warm and cozy in bed, I could relax and listen to my roommate snore peacefully. The mansion was so silent I could hear the steady ticking of the ginormous grandfather clock downstairs in the foyer, as well as as the sound of soft rain as it splashed tiny water drops against my window. I cuddled up against my huge, overstuffed pillow and let everything that happened throughout the day sink in.  

I used the time to think about all the classes I had gone to today. Some seemed like typical academic classes: I had a history class taught by a very old yet wise looking professor that had bright orange eyes and feathers for hair. Definitely had to have shared some DNA with the Eurasian Eagle Owl, which I learned about in my Science class. Maybe the zoology unit might actually be useful. Hopefully I don't regret skipping the homework about Wolverines...

Time Management 408: Being in Two Places at Once*

*Prerequisite suggested: Physics and Teleportation 1220

Communications 301: Telekinesis

Phys Ed 400: Danger Room I

X-Men 1500: Mission Planning and Execution

Oh boy, this was going to be a fun semester.

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