#I'll handle this

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Sanem was squinting with her eyes 

and before Can knew what happened 

she had pushed him into the pool.

Never underestimate a slightly drunken woman!!

If only that woman wasn't so clumsy 

that she lost her balance 

and fell right after her boyfriend into the pool.

Ah Sanem ah.................

Can surfaced with a growl followed by a laugh 

when he saw that he was not the only one in the water!

When Sanem surfaced she squirted water in his face 

"Look at me, I am a whale!"

Can could only shake his head,

"definitely not a whale, a little penguin maybe,

since you are such a Special Kind of Bird

And the most important thing about that is,

that you are MY Special Kind of Bird!"

Leading her body right into his arms,

stroking gently her hair away which was 

all plastered over her face.

Sanem was sobered up right away being now in the water.

"I'm sober, I'm sober"

"I thought you weren't drunk?"

"Ofcourse I wasn't drunk, Can, .... a slight brush of tipsy maybe.

Anyway, that slight brush of tipsy that I was, 

that is on you, it's your fault, Can!"

"What? ........ How is it my fault?"

"You gave me alcohol while you know the yeast is bad for me!"

"I gave you alcohol?" Can spoke with disbelief

"Yes, you heard me, you gave me alcohol!"

And then he saw her mischievous smile.

Grumbling at her, "you know exactly 

how to push my buttons, don't you!"

"Do, I? Which is the right button, I wonder?"

Sanem gave him a small push on his shoulder, "this one?", 

his chest, "this one?", his cheek, "this one?" 

finally his nose "then it must be this one?"

Can tapped his lips with his finger, 

"No, it's definitely THIS one!"

and went straight to kissing her with his right buttons.

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