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Sanem wanted to kick again but Can yelled

"Stop Sanem, don't hurt him, 


......my friend Metin!"

Can stared with open mouth at her, this was the first time

he got defended by a woman, and not by any woman,

no this little creature with her small figure,

beautiful eyes, delicate face

and apparently a killer kick!

Sanem lowered her leg and stared at Metin

who was still on his knees.

"Mer......ha........ba Sanem, not so.... nice to meet.... you"

said Metin, still catching his breath and with a little smile.

Sanem smiled with a big smile back, "Merhaba Metin,

very nice to meet you but next time you will think twice

when you wanna go ambush people!"

and walked, almost with a hop, towards the agency.

At that moment Metin knew

who the person was that clouded Can's mind.

Can still stood in shock with open mouth,

while Sanem, who never looked back said, 

"chop-chop, Can lets go to work,

you dont want to be slacking

on your second day at work, will you?"

"What the hell just happened?"

Can shook his head in disbelief while

Metin stood up with a grumble

from the ground and was rubbing

his side where it still hurted.

"Who is this woman?" Can muttered.

Metin looked at him with a sneaky grin

and said only "Let me tell you this, she's your boss

and I know 1 thing, don't get into a fight with her,

you definitely lose"

This time Can looked at Metin in disbelief

and chuckled, "you're probably right!"

"Hosgeldiniz Metin, what were you thinking,

jumping on my back and almost on my bad shoulder!"

"Hosbulduk Can, I'm so sorry, I wanted to surprise you

but I forgot totally about your shoulder

and now I'm the one who got surprised!" (and wounded!)

"When you told me on the phone yesterday

that you signed a contract without

me seeing it, I decided to go to the agency

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