Chapter 5 - Forgiveness?

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"Well well well, look who we have here." Andy chuckled drunkenly at the half-unconscious body before him. 

Xaviar's eyes peered open and a painful moan escaped his quivering busted up lips when he saw Andy - a man who held nothing but hatred for the mafia. 

"Oh don't give me that." Andy chuckled again, "Somebody pissed off the wrong guy, huh?" Andy walked closer to Xaviar, who laid on his back while clutching tightly onto his abdomen with his right palm. 

Andy ignored him, sliding down on the graffiti-covered wall of the alleyway, still gripping tightly onto his liquor bottle like his life depended on it. The younger man let out a satisfying sigh as his bum hit the cold concrete ground. 

Xaviar's eyes watch Andy's every move with caution, as he wonders what Andy would do to him. Given that he hadn't gotten the strength, or the will to lift himself, the high and mighty Xaviar Salvatore was at Andy's complete mercy.

Andy took a great chug at the rum bottle, then lowered his head to look at the blood coated man beside him. "So." Andy began, "Who did you piss off this time? Was it the Chinese mafia? Or the Russian mafia? I heard they got a thing for fucking with the Italian." Andy placed his index finger upon his forehead, pretending to be thinking, "No wait don't tell me. It was someone close to you, wasn't it?"

A whimper escaped Xaviar's lip, and that was all it took to confirm what he'd just said. Andy snickered, "Well you deserved it you know. From the few months that I've been here, I know that nobody likes your ass." Andy sighed, "I guess you're going to die now."

An uncomfortable minute of silence went by until Andy spoke again, "That's good. I'm glad. You deserve to die you piece of shit. Look at what you did to me, you greedy bastard." Droplets of tears rolled down Andy's burning eyes as he remembered what Xaviar had done to him. Tears he couldn't control due to the alcohol he kept drowning himself in.

With rage building up, he grabbed hold of Xaviar's sweaty hair, the older man winced in pain as Andy lifted his head to look directly at him, "Look!" Andy laughed deadly, an unpleasant sight to witness, even for him, "You did this, and now you're dying you fuck!"

Andy loosened his grip on Xaviar's hair, the man immediately fell, his face landing on Andy's thigh with a painful grunt. 

The young man sighed when he glanced down, seeing Xaviar trying and failing to move his head from his thigh. Without reason, Andy placed his hand back into Xaviar's hair, gentler than the last, "Don't." Andy whispered, placing his other hand over Xaviar's abdomen where the bullet had pierced the older man's flesh, in hopes the blood would flow less.

Xaviar compiled, not knowing what else to do. Tears fell freely from his eyes as he thought about dying in a cold dark back alley instead of a warm bed surrounded by the people that he loved. He whimpered and cried harder into Andy's thigh when he came to the realization that he had no one, apart from an older brother back in Italy who hated his guts.

This is how his life would end. 

Maybe, just maybe, it was for the best. 

Xaviar had always been such an ass towards anyone who'd ever shown him an ounce of graduate. Always thought he was better, inferior even. 

He was above and everyone else was below. 

How wrong had he been? 

Now it's too late. 

Andy stroke Xaviar's hair as the man cried from all the pain his broken, dying body was in, and something much more aching - loneliness. 

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