|Chapter 5|

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Leigh-Anne's POV

My eyes opened and my ears peeked up hearing the sound of a loud guitar playing. I squinted my eyes and grabbed the nearest pillow next to me and put it over my head. Who the hell is listening to music that loud!

I fell lazily out of bed wishing I could just stay on the floor all day instead of going to school. Oh shit I left my curtains open. I thought closing them tightly and scratching my head.

"Leigh, time to wake up love." I groaned softly before grunting to show her that I was woke.

The drumming to this music intensified and my annoyance toward it continued to grow. I quickly took my shower and walked out of the bathroom to only see I had 15 minutes left.

"Shit." I cursed under my breathe before dropping my towel causing a whiff of cold air to blow on me. I pulled out my clothes and quickly got dressed knowing that my mom will soon come up if I don't go downstairs.

"Well, well well if it isn't the princess."
I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around my room wondering where that voice came from.

"Over here." the voice sing-songed. I turned my attention towards the window and my jaw dropped in disbelief to see Harry standing there in his room.

"You've got to be kidding me." I mumbled putting my hand against my forehead.

"I don't think I'm kidding, nice bra by the way it fits you well." my eyes widended realizing I was in nothing but my bra and underwear.

My hands immediately covered myself as I rushed to the bathroom. I could hear Harry's cackles from my here and my cheeks tinted into a dark red.

Knowing that he now has access to see me 24/7 made my skin shiver on uneasyness. I still hadn't forgotten about the park and him lying about not being there last night only made me more cautious.

Why did he find the need to have to lie about it. Did he want me to feel like I was going mad?

I sighed and pulled on my clothes before running my fingers through my unruly maine of hair.

"Ya know, you take really long in there." I shrieked seeing him sitting on my bed. I heard my name being called from outside of the door and footsteps coming towards my room.

I ran towards the door and pressed my back against it so they couldn't come in. If try saw Harry in here, there would be lots of questioning for the both of us and I didn't want that.

"Leigh-anne open the door! Are you alright?" My dad yelled pushing his weight against the door. I was only so small and I pleaded with my eyes to Harry for help since he was the cause of me having to lean on the door.

"Daddy I'm fine!" I exclaimed back using the little girl trick.

"Just saw a spider but it's gone." I lied glaring at Harry who was still sitting on the bed with amusement clearly on his face.

"Alright if you say so. Come down for breakfast, your gonna be late." I heard his footsteps go away from the door and I sighed in relief.

"what the hell are you doing in my room." I snapped snatching my backpack of off my bed and stuffing homework into it.

"Well apparently I'm a spider so To do spider stuff." I narrowed my eyes at his smart remarks and pulled my hair back and out of my face.

"I mean why did you come in my room in the first place?" I asked trying to get my point across. He fluffed his hair in his face before rubbing it back and I stared waiting for him to answer.

"Wow, no tea or anything for your guest... Anyways if you must know, you didn't have clothes on so why not stop on over and pay a visit?" He cheekily responded.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at his answer. He copied my actions and I couldn't help the small grin that started to make its way to my face.

"No but the real reason I'm here is because your suppose to show me around the school, or did you forget." he reminded me smirking once I was quiet for a couple of seconds.

I had actually forgotten, the only thing I thought about was he was possibly some crazy person.

"No I didn't actually but can we meet outside I case my dad comes up here again." I asked motioning towards my window. He let out a small laugh before holding his hands up in defense and walking towards the window.

"Oh and by the way nice figure."

"Get out!"

I exclaimed as my cheeks flushed a dark red. I could hear his snickering once he climbed out of my window and towards his house again.

He was definitely a flirty person but would his girlfriend approve of him climbing in other girls' windows? I remember that he wouldn't even put down the phone to make conversation with us because he was wrapped up with her.

Is it bad that I feel jealous right now? It's probably nothing. I continued to get dressed and once I went downstairs for breakfast everybody has already gone to work.

I sighed heavily before grabbing a granola bar and a small water before making my way out. I glimpsed at Harry's house and he still hadn't made his way out so I decided to knock instead.

I waited a couple minutes only to hear arguing on the other side.

"Gemma move its for me!"

"Harry get your ass out of my face!"

"Get off of me."

I heard bumps against the door and then it was completely silent. I raised my hand to knock again but the door flew open to an out of breath Harry.

"Hey." A smile spread on his face when he saw me and he closed the door behind him quickly

"Did I come at a bad time?" I asked pointing towards the door.

"Nah that's just Gemma being Gemma." he waved off before pulling out a cigarette. "Mind if I smoke?"

I shook my head before he lit the brown and white stick up and put it between his lips.

I scanned his outfit of tight black jeans and a packers jersey but I looked away when he noticed me checking him out. I could already see him smirk since I had been caught. "So Leigh-anne what do you people do around here for fun?" I was glad that he brushed it off because I didn't want to be embarrassed.

"Well it depends what your into, but there's plenty." he hummed in understandment and inhaled the nicotine in the cigarette. He noticed me looking and held it out with a smirk. "you want it?" I shook my head and pushed it away with a disgusted face pulled.

Ugh cigarettes made me sick but I didn't want to tell him that, he was able to do what he wanted smoking included. Before I knew it he tossed it out and I raised an eyebrow. "Why'd you do that?"

"I can tell your uncomfortable with me smoking around you and I don't want you being uncomfortable around me." I grinned at his words and looked down so he wouldn't see my blushing cheeks. Not like he would see them anyways through my Carmel complexion.

"Thanks." I mumbled looking down at my shoes while I walked. I couldn't help but feel a sort of calmness inside me while we continued to talk on our way to the school building. His personality didn't even come close to the way I saw him on the swing that night.

I wanted to forget about that incident and try to act like it never happened but I was curious about what else he could be hiding.

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