|Chapter 4|

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Harry's Pov

Confusion filled me as she glanced in fear from left to right. I found amusement in her reaction a I stared at her with a raised brow.

"Cat got your toungue?" I teasingly asked causing her to glare at me from under her eyelashes.

"No." she mumbled before turning around to resume cleaning the dishes.

I tilted my head to the side and scanned her over before taking my lip ring in between my teeth. I shook out of it from the clanking of plates.

"Why are you in here anyways?" she asked setting the wet plates next to her. I lifted my weight off of the door frame and walked next to her only to hear her breath hitch.

I chuckled at this and took the wet plate starting to dry them off with a towel.

"Well, it could be two things I'll just let you guess babe. One, you seem like the type that wants to let there hair down and have good conversation with while we wash dishes and I decided on my own to come in and help. Two, I was forced to by my mum because it would be 'good manners'. Now you choose which one is true." I said setting the dry plate next to me.

"Your sarcasm on the first choice amuses me. So I'll go with the second choice." she answered cleaning the final plate.

I shrugged before drying off another. "How do you know I was being sarcastic. I could have been serious." I teased glancing over at her to see her resisting the urge to smile.

"Yet you weren't where you?" she rhetorically asked. I tilted my head in thought before shrugging again. Her eyes snapped to me from the corner of her eye.

"You shrug alot." she observed turning off the sink. I shrugged again just to annoy her causing her shake her head.

"You shake your head alot." I Mocked wiping the water off of my hands. I noticed a curve make it's way to her lips before it dissappeared.

"Whatever." she mumbled. She sighed heavily before leaning against the sink again. Her mouth opened but then it closed again.

"Question?" I wondered. She nodded trying to get her thoughts together I'm thinking and asked.

"What where doing on that swing at the park?" The hesitant tone in her voice showed that she was worried about what my reaction would. My fingers bunched into my palm as I clenched my fist together and pressed my lips in a thin line.

"What are you talking about?" I cluelessly asked. She wasn't even suppose to be at the park in the first place. It was abandoned and the only people I know that would go to that park is the punks, aka me.

It wasn't the fact that being I was a 17 year old and still went to the park. It was the fact that it wasn't me that was in my body while I was on that swing. It seemed like someone else had taken over. It scared the hell out of me and especially my mum.

"The park, the haunted one. I-I saw you on the swing and you just glared at me." she tried jogging my memory but I just brushed it off with a shake to my head. I didn't remember that part over our short encounter to be honest.

"Doesn't ring a bell." I said. She furrowed her eyebrows massaging her temples and laughed a little.

"I'm going mad." she whispered letting her arms fall back to her sides. I sighed starting to twist the rings on a few of my fingers.

"Did that hurt?" I looked up from the silver metal on my finger to meet her gaze that was on my lip. I raised my eyes before pointing to my lip ring.


She nodded looking closer. "Yea." I scrunched up my nose before shaking my head. To be honest it hurt like hell but why not make her believe otherwise.

"No, not a lot atlease." she pursed her lips to the side before letting out a quiet sigh.

"Your lying." she stated setting her hands on her hips. I furrowed my eyebrows before holding my hands in a shrugging motion.

"If you know I'm lying then why did you ask anyways?" I asked trying to take the attention off of me. Her finger came up to her lips before she pulled at them.

"Maybe I want to get one." She said. My laughs echoed through the kitchen as I caught a glimpse of her confused stare.

"What, I could pull off the tough image." she defended. I held up a finger letting out my last fit of laughs.

"Whew, I know I don't know you that we'll but you getting a a lip ring will make you as tough as a newborn kitten." I commented. Her mouth gaped before she folded her arms.

"Oh and you think your tougher because of the tattoos and piercings?" she asked. I tilted my head before stroking my chin.

"You tell me. Your the one who looked like they saw a ghost when I came in here." I mentioned. She clentched her jaw before looking around.

"That was only because I thought you where going mad." she said in a defending tone

"No offense taken."

"But your not scary." she said confidently finally lifting her head up. I raised an eyebrow in a challenging manner to see if she actually meant that. She raised one back and crossed her arms. I mimicked her actions while my smirk became deeper.

It felt like this turned into a staring contest as her dark brown eyes glared into mine. I kept a cool stance continuing to stare at her before my eyes slowly traveled across her face and down her neck to her round-

"Harry!" My head snapped over to my mum to see her standing in the doorway, bringing me out of my trance.

"Come on love, you and Leigh-anne can chat tomorrow at school." she said hinting that it was time to leave. I unfolded my arms and looked at Leigh-anne seeing that she was trying to suppress a smirk.

I had a deep feeling that she had caught me starting to have a staring contest with something other than her eyes.

"Not scary." she repeated letting the smirk take over her face before she walked past me to join her family back in the living room.

I let out a deep sigh as my bottom pierced lip came in between my teeth. She seemed like the girl back in Cheshire that I used to love to tease and mess with. Rachel. She was my best friend since 2nd grade and during the junior year she had became my girlfriend.

But that swing is the object that stopped anything from continuing. It was always the same type of swing also, like it followed me, haunting me. I shook my head remembering the comment Leigh-anne made.

'I thought you were going mad.'

Hell, maybe I am. I don't remember any of the events that happened when I was on that swing or even close to it.

I lifted myself off of the sink and walked out to see Leigh-Anne and her parents saying their goodbye to my parents.

"It was lovely meeting all of you." My mum said pulling her coat back on. I followed her and Gemma to the door having the need to leave.

I felt an arm grab my arm and I was faced with Leigh-Anne as she stared at me. A weird feeling rushed into my stomache that was a mix between nervousness and excitement.

"See you at school scarypants." she joked letting go of my arm and walking back up to her room. My eyes followed her step until I was snapped out of It by the rise of her dad's eyebrow in my direction.

I brushed it off with a cough and soon exited the house with my sister close behind me.

"That Leigh-Anne must had got to you. You finally stopped texting Rachel." Gemma observed. I shoved my hand in the pocket of my jeans and pulled out iPhone to see multiple messages from her.

I sighed heavily responding all of them and glanced around to see Leigh-anne's window curtains so I could get a clear view of her getting ready to get into the shower.

"Bloody hell." I whispered turning away from the window and following Gemma towards the car.

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