|Chapter 2|

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The distance between us and the school became vast as we inched closer to the park. I should have thought about this more other than jumping into it. Fog spread over the painted chipped slides and the sea saw croaked on it's own, with the rhythm matching the wind.

"Jess, maybe we should go back." I suggested grabbing her arm and urging her away from the park.

"Leigh come on no one is here and this will probably be the only time when it isn't crowded." she tried convincing me but I was still on edge about it.

Just relax and breathe leigh, I told myself repeatedly as Jesy pushed open the large gates. I heard her gasp in disgust at the dead crow that lay on the ground in front of us.

"Lovely." I sarcastically whispered stepping around the dead carkis. My eyes wandered around the darkness of the park trying to imagine it in the morning. The sun flashing on the equipment creating a calmer aura.

My feet seemed to carry me through the park while a creaking made me divert my attention towards the noise. It seemed as if that was the only type of sound in the park.

A rusted swing hung inches off the ground as it moved back and forth with the wind. The paint was chipped horribly and the silver chains no longer held their color. The awful shape that it was in wasn't the only thing that fazed me, it was the figure on it that did.

Maybe they want to be alone. I thought glancing over the figure sinking into the swing. It was unusual though that whoever this person was in this haunted park not minding about the condition it was in.

I looked behind me to no longer see Jesy behind me, only misty fog. My eyes turned back towards the figure and my breath caught in my throat seeing his eyes already staring at me.

I need to get out of here. I thought desperately trying to search for Jesy in the fog. I could still feel this person's glare on my back as I turned around on my search for Jesy.

"Jess, where are you?" I called only getting silence in return. I sighed heavily before stuffing my hands into my pockets. Where was she? Her position that she had by the gate had been empty.

"Jesy!" I exclaimed. My voice came out shaky and nervous which matched my mood.

I let out a scream once I turned around to see her eyes widen in shock before I clasped my hand over my heart. My heart rate had gone to 100 to 200 in 5 seconds.

"You scared the hell out of me." I hissed causing her to raise an eyebrow in amusement.

"Your the one who wandered off to who knows where. I was trying to look for you." Jesy defending holding up her hands. I rolled my eyes knowing she was right before remembering what I saw.

"Jess there's this creepy swing that's in the back of the park and there was a guy on it." She made a 'so?' expression on her face causing me to grab her hand and drag her to the swing.

"See that guy on the swing." I pointed to the swing but it had been abandonded. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before blinking, hoping my vision wasn't correct.

Jesy looked over to me concerningly before shaking her head and saying, "Leigh, there's no one there. Where not even suppose to be here, the park is closed. Come on we should head back to school." She turned expecting me to follow but I stayed in my spot staring at the swing.

I could swear there was a guy on the swing and he was staring directly at me. How could he have left so quickly?

"Leigh." Jesy called over her shoulder once she noticed I wasn't following. I shook off the thoughts of that swing and called out 'coming' before following her towards the gate. I couldn't help but occasionally take glances at the swing that moved slowly with the breeze.

Abandoned Swing ▸ LeigharryWhere stories live. Discover now