
8.7K 302 519

Queens Center Mall
Queens, New York
Friday, November 30, 2018
8:33 p.m


I ran my fingers through my hair as I made my way towards Express. I decided to go shopping after Kelly called me a few hours ago, asking if she could come over to talk. Of course I said yes. We aren't dating but we've been fucking around for a few months. I didn't want anyone to know about us, but when Beyoncé walked in on us at her practice, I was actually happy. It let her see what she missed out on, but I still think I'll be able to crack her, eventually.

As I walked into Express my mind roamed to Kelly. I still can't believe she went off on me like that. My ears are still bleeding from all her yelling, cursing and all the glass smashing in my apartment. To say she was pissed was an understatement. She made it clear she wanted nothing to do with me, but I'm hoping I can find an outfit in here that will help her change her mind. The sex was mind-blowing so I just know she'll crack soon and come crawling back to me.

As I was searching through racks of clothing, I heard a familiar voice that made my head jerk up. I looked up to see Beyoncé and a tall lightskin man holding her waist as they walked around the store. I ducked down some so she wouldn't see me and watched Beyoncé and the man interact. I noticed he kept grabbing her ass and kissing her. Beyoncé was all smiles, like she was extremely comfortable with this man and has been for a while. It seemed like they were in a relationship to me.

I squinted my eyes at her and pulled out my phone taking pictures and some videos of Beyoncé and her dude. Though Nicki and I are strained right now and don't speak and hang out like we used to because of Beyoncé, I still care for her. Nicki is still my best friend and I'll be damned if Beyoncé tries to play my best friend. This bitch is done for.

Residence of Nicki Maraj and Terrence
Queens, New York
Saturday December 1, 2018


I sat staring at the pictures of Beyoncé and some nigga on Lauren's phone as we both sat on my couch. The only reason I even let Lauren come to my place was because she said she had solid evidence of Bey parading some nigga around the mall. At first, I didn't believe her conniving ass and thought that it was a setup in order for me to leave Bey, but Lauren insisted that this was no trick or setup.

"Nicki, I know I've done some foul shit, but I had no parts of this. It looks like she's fucking this nigga." Lauren stated. I rolled my eyes at her statement, but she was right.

I've never seen this nigga in my life. When Lauren contacted me, I actually thought this supposed guy was either Jay or Marcus, but that's not the case.

I zoomed in on the pictures and knew Beyoncé has been fucking this new nigga behind my back. Though we're not in a relationship, we both promised to only sleep with each other and if one of us met someone else we would tell the other person. I just can't believe she's pulling this shit. I know I've been giving her the run-a-round and I don't want to fully commit to her, but damn, I thought we were close enough for her to tell me when she's fucking someone else.

I stood up and looked at Lauren. "Thank you, but it's time for you to go. I need to handle something."

"Something like what?" She asked.

"Beyoncé. Now leave."

Lauren stood up with a smirk on her face. "Well, handle her Nic."

I nodded and watched as she left out my place. I went to my room to take a quick shower and get dressed in something cute, but comfortable. I'm going to give Giselle a piece of my mind.

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