Fix Me!

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Queens Elementary School
Queens, New York
Tuesday, October 16, 2018


I sat in my chair at my desk, bouncing my left leg up and down. I literally cannot. I'm having withdrawals. I'm so fucking horny and I can't take not having an orgasm by Dr. Knowles. I don't know what the fuck she did to me, but she needs to fix this. Today.

A phone call came through on my iPhone and I looked down to see it was Lo. I sighed, sliding answer and I heard her loud ass voice.

"Bitch! What is wrong with you? Dr. Knowles got you feening like this?" She asked.

"Lauren, I don't know what she did to me, but I can't get her out of my mind. I had sex with Terrence last night and all I could do was think about her. I dream about her sexing me, I wake up in the middle of the night at random times trying to get myself to have an orgasm like she gave me. I can't deal with this. It's taking over my life. She has this effect on people and now I see why them bitches thought she casted some type of voodoo spell on her. It's crazy how bad I want her to fuck me when I'm straight and I have a man." I rambled on.

"Damn Nic, what are you going to do?" Lo asked.

"I'm on lunch right now, but as soon as school lets out, I'm going to her practice and I'm going to see her. I can't handle going home another night without having an orgasm and not seeing her."

"Put it on her Nic and make sure she remembers. Make me proud mamas."

Hearing Lo say that made me smile. I'll make sure Beyoncé never forgets this pussy, ever.

After speaking with Lauren, I finished up my lunch and had my class until 2:15pm. When the bell rung, dismissing the children, I made sure they all arrived safely to where they were supposed to be and rushed out to the parking lot to get into my car. I drove the entire way to Beyoncé's office, thinking about how I'm going to approach her with this situation and how she's going to give me an orgasm. Will it be in her office? Will she invite me to her home? What will she do?

I arrived at Dr. Knowles' office in a decent time and parked right in front of it. I got out my car, hitting the alarm and went inside to see a couple of women in the waiting room. Kelly was sitting at the front desk and she smiled when she saw me.

"Hey Nicki." She greeted me as I went up to the front desk.

"Hey Kelly, is Beyoncé in her office?"

"Yes, but she's in the middle of an appointment."

"It's an emergency, please." I whispered.

She nodded her head. "Don't tell her I let you go past this desk."

I laughed and nodded. "Thank you sooo much."

"You're welcome. Be good." She eyed me.

I smirked and went down the long hallway until I got to Beyoncé's room. I opened it and Beyoncé looked back at me in shock as she stood in between her patients legs, doing an exam.

"Nicki can you step out please, I'm in the middle of something." She demanded.

"I need to talk to you, right now." I stated sternly.

"Give me a few more minutes to finish up with my patient. Go next door. Now."

I rolled my eyes and shut the door. I did as she said and waited in the room next door. I folded my arms, pacing back and forth waiting for Beyoncé. I heard the woman she had in her office, slightly moaning, and I could hear Beyoncé telling her that's where her g-spot was. The woman told Beyoncé to continue, but she only declined, saying it would be unethical and she was only trying to help her find her g-spot, not give her an orgasm. I frowned, surprised and pissed. Beyoncé must do this on a regular, but the fact she didn't partake in the woman's antics, but participated in mine with me asking her to continue, is very interesting.

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