The Appointment

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Knowles Gynecologist Center
Manhattan, New York
Saturday October 6, 2018


I sat in the waiting room of Dr. Knowles' practice, nervously bouncing my leg. It's too late to turn back now. I had nightmares about weird, cruel shit she could do to me. If that story about casting a voodoo spell on that woman to force her to have sex was true then I have every right to be fucking shook right now.

"Onika Maraj." The darkskin woman tending to the front desk called out. I looked at her and she gave me a small smile. "Dr. Knowles is ready to see you." I nodded, forcing a smile onto my face. I stood up and walked to the hallway that was lit up with pink foggy light shades along the wall. I gulped hard, as I felt my legs start shaking and almost turn into jello. I looked behind me, down the long hallway, wondering if I should make a run for it.

"Come on Nicki, don't be a punk. She won't do shit to you." My conscience nagged at me. I took a deep breath and opened the door to the room that had Dr. Knowles written on a golden plaque across it. I made a mental note of how her office was placed in a dead end hallway.

Walking inside the room, the aroma of Vanilla filled my nose and I noticed a modest painting of a pink rose hanging up on the left wall of the room. The blinds were closed, only allowing a limited amount of sun to seep into the room.

I put my purse down on the small bed with stirrups attached to the end of it, near a marble sink. I leaned against the bed, not ready to feel vulnerable in the position the bed would force me into, waiting for Dr. Knowles. I looked around, taking in my surroundings before I heard a smooth, deep, honey voice and the sound of the door knob turning. My stomach went into a knot and I had butterflies.

When she opened the door and took a small step in the room, she was yelling out into the hallway, who I figured was her receptionist, asking her to tell the next patient it would be at least thirty minutes before she could see her.

I noticed the beauty marks on her face and neck that I saw from the pictures on Google. I wonder if she actually looks like her pictures on the internet. When she finally turned her head and stepped fully into the room, I got my answer. I let out a shallow breath, staring at her. She's breathtaking. Those pictures didn't do her justice. She looks even sexier and even more gorgeous in person, which I didn't think would be possible, since her pictures were absolutely gorgeous.

"Hello Onika Maraj, I'm Dr. Knowles, your Gynecologist." She smiled. She closed the door behind her and took the few steps forward towards me and held out her left hand. I stuck out my right hand and shook hers. When she let my hand go, she sat down on a small stool in front of the sink and placed a plastic black clipboard that was in her right hand, down on the marble sink.

"You can take a seat up on the bed." She stated, flipping through papers attached to the clipboard. I nodded and struggled to get up on the bed and sit sideways.

"So, tell me what brings you here today." She looked at me with a smile on her face and crossed her right leg over her left. I eyed her for a moment taking in her beauty and aura.

"U-umm...well, I've been having..." I paused for a moment trying to find the proper words. "Some..issues down there."

Dr. Knowles chuckled and placed her hands at the top of her right knee. "Would you kindly tell me what problems you've been having? And I know it can be uncomfortable telling a complete stranger, but remember, I am a licensed doctor and I'm here to help you. No formalities, tell me everything."

I sighed and nodded my head, closing my eyes for a brief second. "I think something is wrong with my pussy." I blurted out with no hesitation.

"Can you be more specific Ms. Maraj? What would make you think this?"

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