15 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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Next Day

Yesterday was a long day and today is gonna be longer, cause it's a school day. Yay.... I sigh. I change into new clothes and I walk to school. I open my front door and Jinyoung was there. "what the... how long have you been standing there?" I ask. "Not long" He looks at the ground. "So, I just wanted to walk you to school" he continues to look down. "Okay, let's go" We walk to school.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

"Are they finally a couple?" Someone whispered but she was whispering something loud. "Yeah, we are. Why?" Jinyoung pulls me closer to him. "Play along" He whispers to me. "Sorry, he's just joking" I say to them. I look at Jinyoung and give him a sarcastic smile.

We walk to Jisoo, who was about to go inside the school. "Unnie!" I shout. "Hey, Y/n!" She waves at me.

Later On That Day
Jinyoung's POV

Y/n went home early cause she got sick. "Okay, Jinyoung this is your chance" Jisoo says. "What chance?" I ask. "To confess to her" She says. "But she's just going to reject me again" I sit down on a chair. "This time do it right. So, the plan is...."

2 hours later

Someone knocks at the door. I can't get up from the bed so my mom will get it. "Y/n..." I hear Jinyoung's voice. "Mhm?" I hum.

"So, Y/n... It's almost Valentine's Day, I just- I'm- I just want to ask you to be my girlfriend... I promise that I won't leave you, I love you so much, Y/n" I sincerely say.

"I'll give you a chance but, let's start off not too touchy" She says. "Kiss?" He asks. "I'm sick" She says. "I don't care, I love you" I walk towards her and grab her chin. She closed her eyes and I closed mine too.

Our lips touch.

Your POV
9 years later

"Yah! Jinyoung!" I shout as he runs away with Park Jaesun while I carry Jaehwa. They were laughing while running away. Jaesun is 6 years old while Jaesun is still 3 months old. I sigh.

"Jaehwa, Bed time~" I say softly. I put Jaehwa in the crib. I put on soft piano music. It's already 8PM. I go look for Jaesun and Jinyoung. "Jinyoung! Jaesun!" I shout but not too loud. I look at the kitchen and see Jaesun drinking milk.

"Ah! Jaesun-ah" I call him. "Yes?" He says. "Bed time" I say. "Okay, I'll just drink the milk" He says. "Okay. Where's your dad?" I ask. "He's at your bedroom, Mommy" He points at our bedroom. "Okay, finish your milk" I say. "Okay, mommy"

I go to our bedroom. "Jinyoung" I call him. "Yes?" He asks. "I don't know, I love you" I go on the bed with him. "I'll get back to you after I put Jaesun to bed" He gets up from the bed. "Okay" I smile.

Jinyoung's POV

I walk to the kitchen, where I gave Jaesun his milk. Then I heard glass shatter and crying. I run to the kitchen and I also hear Y/n running to the kitchen too.

I see glass shattered on the floor and Jaesun crying with bleeding feet and knees on the floor too. Y/n runs to Jaesun and carries him. She brings him to our bedroom, while I get the first aid kit. I give Y/n the first aid kit. "M-mommy" He says while crying. "S-shh~ Calm down" She says softly. "Mommy, it hurts" He cries while she cleans the wounds.

Then we hear Jaehwa crying. Since Y/n is taking care of Jaesun. I have to go to Jaehwa. I run to Jaehwa. "Jaehwa~" I try to softly say. I carry her and rock her until she stops crying. "Jaehwa~" I softly say. While carrying her I get her milk. When she started drinking the milk, she stops crying.

I put her down on the crib and sing her to sleep. "Ban jjak ban jjak~" I always use Twinkle Twinkle Little Star when I put her to sleep. She always falls asleep when I sing that.

Y/n came to me with Jaesun. "Jaesun is going to sleep in our bedroom, tonight" She says. "Okay, I'll be there" I say. Y/n and Jaesun leaves the room. "Good night, Jaehwa" I whisper.

Fun fact: Babies have sensitive hearing. Everything to you, they hear 1.5-2x louder

I go back to our bedroom. Jaesun was already on the bed with his bandages on his knees. Y/n's covers him with a blanket. "Good night~" Y/n kisses his forehead. "Good night, mommy"

Skip to the next day at 2:32
Y/n's POV

"Mommy! Mommy!" Jaesun runs to me. "What happened in school today?" I ask. "Well, I like this girl" He shyly says. I smile and look at Jinyoung who was behind us. He was also smiling. "You can win her heart" I pat him head and smile at him.

"Are you going to do your homework next?" I ask. He doesn't answer but runs to his room. I go to Jinyoung and he leans towards me and hold me waist. He kisses my lips and I kiss back.

"Ew! Mommy and daddy are kissing!" Jaesun shouts. We break the kiss and laugh. He always says that when he sees us kiss and I understand, he's a kid.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

The End ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

my first, last and only love || p.jy FF  ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu