Beginning of the nightmare

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Notice: This chapter contains some bad words and degrading words that can make women feel offended or abused, to the record, I don't think like this about women, it is just something that helps to the plot of the story and I'm sorry if you feel abused by the content.


Lola didn't like to be with Paolo, but her parents forced her because he had money, even though they didn't know how he obtained it. But with Toni, with Toni it was different after Toni met her, and they saw each other at least once a week, she felt alive, she felt butterflies in her stomach, she felt much happier, he was not as rich as Paolo, but he had good money, but that had nothing to do with Lola as long as she was happy and Toni was happy.

Lola couldn't stop thinking, what would her parents say, what would Paolo say, but she wanted to get free of him as fast as she could from him. But, how could she tell anyone that she didn't love him anymore, If someone told her that she would just fall in a terrible depression, it meant that the person that meant the world to you wouldn't be there forever. Still, she decided to tell her the same day she wanted to go to the movies with Toni.

- Paolo

- Yes, sweetheart?

- Well I've been thinking a.. -Paolo interrupted her

-Whoa! That's dangerous.

-Paolo! I'm not joking! Anyway, I think we should see other people, I'm not completely happy with you, even though you are a great guy, and I don't think is fair with me or with you that I feel this way, so I think we should break up.

Paolo stood in silence where he was, you could tell he was calm, then she walked to baffle and played the music in a really loud volume, then he said to Lola:

- Give me a hug.

When Lola was close enough, he slapped her so hard that she collapsed into the floor, she began to cry while she saw Paolo come close to her, red by the rage, still in the floor.

-Listen here you cheap slut, I won't let anybody embarrass me like you try to do, you will stay here with me forever whether like it or not, you won't tell anyone about this and you will do exactly what I say okay?

-Y-yes Paolo- Said Lola scared an crying, her eye was purple, her cheek red and her lips were bleeding, now she had to call Toni to cancel out the plans, and stick to the plan, stick to do whatever Paolo told her to do.

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