Calm Coffee Date

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Kirishima's P.O.V

I ran out of the office with tears in my eyes. I know, just yesterday, the teacher had called me a girl in front of the whole class. It took me a few hours to calm down and be fine again, but I just got yelled at for two hours about how I will never be a boy. I started to fight back in the beginning with my birth certificate saying I was a boy and my name legally wasn't Ehana but they didn't seem to care. When I threatened to fight back she basically said I could try, but I wouldn't get far with the entire school system. So, my name was now Ehana and I would be referred to as a girl by all my teachers.

Walking back to the empty dorm, I ran to my room and flopped on the bed, crying into my pillow. It hurt. I tried so hard for so long to pass as someone I wasn't born as and I had gotten my confidence high but these people tore it down. And now, I don know if it will come back up for a while. Every single day, I would now be reminded that I was a girl. I don't know if I could take it. Lifting my head from the pillow, I turned over and was met with that army green blanket. Smelling it, the scent was less noticeable but it was still there. Cinnamon and caramel mixed with that stupid cologne I liked so much. I still had no idea why I liked it so much but it and Bakugou smelled the same. Maybe it was because he was the only person who actually didn't mind me being here. Pulling the blanket closer, I throw it over my head and wrap into it letting the fluff ingulf my body.

Hearing a light knock on my door, I quietly let out a small 'Come in.' not bothering to peek out of the blankets. Hearing the door squeak open, I feel a bit of pressure on the bed before two strong arms pulled me up. Faceplanting into his chest, I grip onto his shirt letting the blanket fall onto the floor. Hugging him tight, I lean into his chest more. He relaxed, leaning on the wall and letting me straddle him and sit there for a few minutes. Leaning in, he starts shushing my cries until I've calmed down. "You need a break from this school. I don't have any classes tomorrow and then I have the weekend with nothing to do. Lets' spend the weekend together. We can go mountain climbing. How does that sound?" he said, his arms resting on my back. Looking up at him, he gave me a sympathetic look. Smiling a little, I nod. Moving off him, I lay back down and stare out the window. "Get ready." he stated, walking to the door before closing it. Getting up out of bed, I go to my dresser and take out a white shirt with a pair of tan shorts. Deciding I was underdressed, I threw on a red vest jacket just to look a bit better. Going to the bathroom, I spiked up my hair a little, making it look like it did this morning. Throwing on my crocs, Bakugou walked out of his room with a pair of black sweatpants and a black shirt with a skull on it. Maybe I did overdress? Whatever, it would be weird to go change now.

Grabbing his bag, I don't question it and grab my wallet, phone and car keys. "Are we walking somewhere on campus or are we riding in my car?" I asked, wondering why he had his bag with him. "There is actually this really calm cafe I know about twenty minutes from the campus. If you don't mind the drive, we can go there." He said, following me out to the parking lot. It wasn't the nicest car but it was still in good condition. It didn't have any ripped seats or broken windows and I kept it clean so I wasn't ashamed of having it.

Hoping in, he put in directions to the cafe in Google Maps and I listened to the little automated voice until we showed up to the small cafe. Stopping the car and putting it in park, I open the door and stare at the sign. 'Dream Bean Coffee Shop' was in big letters on the building. It was about three now and nobody was here except us. Walking in, I was met with a few cats looking up at me curiously. Lacing between my legs, a friendly looking white one had its tail wrapped around my legs. "Sorry about her sir. She likes to cuddle new people. I see your here with Katsuki." The man in front of me greeted be with a friendly smile. I was just more happy he used sir. I wouldn't hear a lot of that anytime soon. Smiling, I simply nod, leaning down to pet the soft fur. "It's a cat cafe. Your not allergic right?" He asked, suddenly the thought coming to him. Laughing a bit, I shake my head no, intrigued by the new cat coming over. He had black fur and a small scratch under his eye that was missing fur. Right next to him seemed to a blonde cat. He had gingery light slicked hair while the black one was super fluffy.

Looking back at Bakugou, he just gestured over to a booth. Sitting down on the plush leather seats, the blonde cat jumps in the table while the fluffy black one lays in my lap silently. Petting him, the same man walks over, passing us both small menus with cat paws on them. It was a cute place and I was surprised we were the only ones there. "The place is kind of unknown so not may people come in. The owner is super nice though. He said I could have one of the cats once I finish college." He said, picking up the blonde cat off the table and petting it, the loud meowing emitting from his mouth. Smiling, I thought about the future. I didn't know where I would go after college. My plan was to get into a job I enjoyed, to get surgery and then move into an apartment or something. I had no clue what the future held.

A new person came over to take our order. They had different milk choices so I chose chocolate milk and Bakugou chose strawberry with a small plate of cat paw cookies. We continued to talk and pet the cats for a while. The cookies came and we happily ate the, while the cats were poured a small bowl of cat milk to distract from ours. It was calming and nice. "I brought over the notes from class that you missed. I figured I would go over them with you. It's only a few things like vocabulary and basic thing s on the exams. Even though we do other things, we still need to pass so we can have that early winter break. Do you have any clue who you'll be with?" He asked, pulling out a blue journal from his bag and opening it to flip to a half page of notes. Looking over the neat hand writing, I mentally copy the words and definitions in my head, thinking about what we learned in the first half of the classes. Smiling, I read the notes again until I can almost memorize the words. "So, will you be doing anything this Christmas?" He asked, genuinely wondering what was up. Thinking back to it, I knew I wouldn't see my parents and my aunt told me show would be away for Christmas this year for a new job opportunity that opened up across Japan. So, no I didn't have anywhere to go. "No, now that I think about it. If I do anything it will be me at home or in the dorms."

Nodding he speaks again. "Would you be okay spending Christmas with me?" He asked, taking a sip of the strawberry milk. "Sure. I have nothing better to do!" I exclaimed, grabbing a cookie from the platter and stuffing it in my mouth, the delicious sugary sweet letting it satisfy my hunger until dinner. Smiling himself, he grabs a cookie as well and the cats come back over to us to swarm between our legs. Finishing up the cookies and milk, we walk out of the cafe after paying the waiter and go back to my car. "Thank you. Today was a lot of fun. I needed that." I said, pulling out twenty dollars and handing it to him to make up for the day. "It was nothing." He said, placing the bill in his pocket.

"If you thought today was fun, I can promise you tomorrow will be so much better."

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